Multi-Services Committee
January 6, 2020

Minutes of a meeting of the Multi-Services Committee of the Chemung County Legislature held in the Hazlett Building, 5th Floor, 203 Lake Street, Elmira, New York on Monday, January 6, 2020.


Members and officials present:  John Pastrick, David Manchester, L. Thomas Sweet, Joseph Brennan, Mark Margeson, Brian Hyland, Christina Sonsire, Peggy Woodard, John Burin, Martin Chalk, Robert Briggs, William McCarthy, Scott Drake, Michael Smith, Rodney Strange, Bryan Maggs, Vincent Azzarelli, Steve Hoover, Thomas Rhoads, Stephanie Fiorini, Brian Hart, Peter Buzzetti, Michael Youmans, Sperry Navone, Kim Salisbury



The meeting was called to order by the Chairman of the committee, Peggy Woodard.

Mr. Burin stated he would like to know if a Scope of Services is part of the agreement with Marcus and Millichap in order to review the economics of retaining ownership of the Chemung County Nursing Facility ("CCNF") to include a private partner venture or a private venture, as well as  looking at the tangible and intangible pieces of CCNF.  McCarthy asked for reassurance that no decisions have been made in regards to the future of the Chemung County Nursing Facility.  Mr. Azzarelli responded that no decisions have been made.  Mrs. Sonsire stated she is concerned that Marcus and Millichap is a large real estate company, a business with the goal to make money for sellers.  Her concern is that a cost benefit analysis has not been done.  Mrs. Sonsire stated that as  legislator, she would need the requisite data/information to make an informed decision.  At the request of some Legislators, Mr. Azzarelli will provide background information. 
Motion made by L. Thomas Sweet, seconded by Brian Hyland, and Passed with a vote of 5-0, authorizing agreement with Millichap on behalf of the Chemung County Executive (marketing of Chemung County Nursing Facility).
Motion made by L. Thomas Sweet, seconded by William McCarthy, and Passed with a vote of 5-0, authorizing extension of agreement with Mass Mutual on behalf of the County Executive (administration of Deferred Compensation Plan).
Motion made by Robert Briggs, seconded by Brian Hyland, and Passed with a vote of 5-0, authorizing Inter-Municipal agreement with Schuyler County on behalf of the Chemung County Office of Real Property Tax Services (tax mapping services).
Motion made by L. Thomas Sweet, seconded by Robert Briggs, and Passed with a vote of 5-0, authorizing purchase agreement with Robis on behalf of the Chemung County Board of Elections (Asked EPollbooks).
Motion made by L. Thomas Sweet, seconded by Brian Hyland, and Passed with a vote of 5-0, and Notice of Determination of Non-Significant Pursuant to 6NYCRR Part 617 Relative to Milton Street Wastewater Treatment Facility Screw Pump Replacement Project.
Motion made by Brian Hyland, seconded by L. Thomas Sweet, and Passed with a vote of 5-0, approving Amendment No. 1 to an agreement with Fagan Engineers & Land Surveyors, P.C on behalf of Chemung County Elmira Sewer District (Screw Pump Replacement Project).
Motion made by L. Thomas Sweet, seconded by William McCarthy, and Passed with a vote of 5-0, and Notice of Determination of Negative Declaration Pursuant to 6 NYCRR Part 617 Relative to the Milton Street Disinfection Project.  
Motion made by Robert Briggs, seconded by William McCarthy, and Passed with a vote of 5-0, authorizing purchase agreement with Weatherproofing Tech/TREMCO on behalf of Chemung County Elmira Sewer District (Solids Building Roof Replacement).
Motion made by L. Thomas Sweet, seconded by Brian Hyland, and Passed with a vote of 5-0, authorizing Change Order No. 04G and No. 05G for the Chemical Storage and Feed Upgrade Project on behalf of the Chemung County Sewer District No. 1.
Motion made by L. Thomas Sweet, seconded by Robert Briggs, and Passed with a vote of 5-0, authorizing agreement with GHD Consulting Services, Inc. on behalf of Chemung County Sewer District (Engineering Report and Preliminary Design Wastewater Treatment Plant Consolidation).
Motion made by L. Thomas Sweet, seconded by William McCarthy, and Passed with a vote of 5-0, approving Amendment No. 3 to an agreement with GHD Consulting Services, Inc. on behalf of the Chemung County Sewer District No. 1 (Chemical Feed and Storage).
Motion to Adopt Local Law No. 1 for the Year 2020 in relation to the amendment of Local Law No. 4 of the 1973 entitled "A Local Law to provide for the establishment of a County Charter for the County of Chemung, State of New York" relating to the provisions of Article 4 of the Municipal Home Rule Law of the State of New York (Filed with the Department of State of New York as Local Law No. 3 of the Year 1973) (Term Limits for County Executive and County Legislature) was made by Legislator McCarthy.  This motion DIED for a lack of Second.
NEW BUSINESS: Mr. Burin suggested that a Local Law regarding Term Limits for the County Executive and County Legislature be reconsidered.  He suggested amending the Local Law to include a public referendum.  This would allow the  public to decide if the County Executive and the County Legislature should have term limits.  Mr. Chalk stated that he fully agrees with Mr. Burin's comments.  Mrs. Sonsire stated that by not moving items out of committee, it prohibits all Legislators to have a vote.  Mr. Drake stated that a Local Law deserves to be brought to the Full Legislative Board for a vote.  Mr. Briggs noted that he  did not second this Local Law  because he already put term limits on himself as he intends to only run for two terms.  Mr. Briggs stated he would abstain from any vote and he didn't feel it was right to limiting anyone's terms. Mr. Margeson stated he would like to see this Local Law  be brought back to discussion again as a public referendum to be voted on by the public.    Mr. Strange stated that he is not a big supporter of term limits but does support a public referendum. Mr. Chalk asked how can this item be brought back to the table as a public referendum.  Attorney Maggs responded that all items need to be put on an agenda which is approved through the Chairman.  Mr. Brennan stated that he would like to see the Term Limits Advisory Committee reconvene to continue to gather information.  Mr. Sweet stated he is not for term limits because he believes  term limits already exist every four years.  He also stated length of service creates experience and knowledge.  Mr. Sweet stated he believes Term Limits takes away the right of the voters.  Mrs. Woodard stated she feels that length of service obtains experience and knowledge.  She noted that there are no term limits on other elected official and questions why there is a sense of urgency to have term limits for County Legislators and County Executive.            
Mr. Rhoads, P.E.,  Interim Executive Director of Sewer District gave a presentation on the process/timeline/cost of meeting the Chesapeake Bay, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation ("DEC")  requirements.  A preliminary study in 2019 recommended consolidating the two Wastewater Treatment Plants.  Mr. Rhoads suggests moving forward with this recommendation.  Mr. Rhoads expressed the importance of the five year project timeline in order to meet significant regulatory Chesapeake Bay, DEC  requirements, meet grant funding requirements, and avoid costly fines.  Mr. Rhoads stated that the Chemung County Sewer District ("CCSD") website is being rebuilt which will  provide transparency/communication to the public throughout the consolidation process. Mr. Chalk asked if there would be any grants available to help mitigate the cost preliminary engineering phases of this project.  Mr. Rhoads responded that unfortunately there is no grant money available for the preliminary engineering phases of this project.  Most of the consolidation project will be  funded with local share dollars.
This meeting was adjourned on the motion by Mr. Hyland, seconded by Mr. Sweet. Motion carried.