February 8, 2021 - 7:00 PM



Legislature was called to order by the Chairman of the Chemung County Legislature at 7:00 p.m. The following members were present when the Clerk called roll:


Pastrick _x__              Manchester _x_          Sweet _x__                 Brennan _x__


Margeson _x__           Hyland _x__               Sonsire _x__               Woodard _x__


Burin _x_                    Chalk ___                    Briggs _x__                McCarthy _x__


Drake _x__                 Smith _x__                  Strange _x__






By:  Burin

Seconded by:  Drake


            MOVED, that Martin Chalk be excused from this meeting.








By:  Briggs

Seconded by:  Drake


            MOVED, that the reading of the minutes of the January 11, 2021 meeting of the Full Legislature be dispensed with, and that they stand accepted as corrected by the Clerk




Correspondence 02-01 through 02-08



By:  Smith

Seconded by:  Burin


            MOVED, that the communications numbered 02-01 through 02-08 shall be considered incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth


The Clerk read the following comment into the record:


Thank you for this opportunity to offer public comment. Given the lifting of the Orange Zone restrictions in our area, I would hope that the Legislature will allow for the public to attend all meetings in person in the near future.


As for tonight’s agenda, I would urge the legislators to table or reject Resolution 21-113, “Resolution adopting Chemung County Legislature Route Slip and Resolution Policy.” 


Essentially, this resolution explains the process by which a proposed resolution actually gets on the agenda. This is no small matter. Currently, any resolution made on any topic by any legislator will only appear on the agenda if approved by the Chairman of the Legislature. This is long-standing practice, and the resolution that I referenced above will make this flawed policy the official policy of the legislature. My concern here is obvious: Why should one person have the power to determine what resolutions come before the committees? 


Interestingly enough, during the committee meeting of January 25th, a motion to table this resolution in order to have more time to consider its merits was defeated along party lines, and the resolution itself also passed along party lines. 


I would also urge the legislators to reject Resolution 21-056, “Resolution Establishing Legislative Redistricting and Efficiency of County Government Operations Advisory Committee on behalf of the Chairman of the Legislature.” At first glance, this seems fine. Who isn’t in favor of a more efficient government? 


On closer examination, however, this resolution is a cause for concern. As a result of a decline in population, this resolution gives the proposed advisory committee the chance to redraw the current configuration of the fifteen legislative districts. While this might result in cost savings, who is going to have input in this process? The people who will be affected? Sorry, no. The resolution states that the Chairperson will appoint five members of the legislature to serve on this advisory committee. Again, the Chairperson has sole authority here. Do you see a pattern?


Within the last year or so, committees were established regarding important issues such as salary and benefits for the legislators as well as term limits for the legislators. In both cases, only members of the legislature were on these committees. Both were dismal failures. Let’s not let that happen again. Let’s insist that the advisory committee on redistricting include members of the community as is the practice in other counties. Granted, any recommendation that comes out of that committee would ultimately be put before the voters in November. That, however, is not enough. We need to be involved in the process from day one.


Anthony J. Pucci

Town of Veteran.



I oppose the resolution that says that the only way for a matter to come to the floor of the Legislature for a vote is via the Legislative Chair. This is dismissive of community need and representation.


I also oppose legislative redistributing without the input of the public and nominated legislators.


Transparency and integrity of process is critical to good governance.


Thank you.


Linda Couchon

Elmira, NY



Resolution 21-056, on tonight’s agenda, that is a call by Legislative Chairman Manchester for the creation of a special committee, composed solely of five County Legislators to study and review Chemung County Legislature redistricting and efficiency of county government operations, is wrong and unacceptable.


It is wrong and unacceptable because it does not seek to include members of the public in the process, as part of this proposed committee.


Other counties in New York have undertaken similar redistricting reviews with the creation of committees that include members of the public on their committees.


A few examples include the following:


Broome County’s process in 2011, which resulted in moving from 19 legislative districts to 15, included members of the public.


Albany County's leadup in 2019 to preparing for their process, included a callout to the public with a widely available and promoted online form, to allow citizens to submit their interest for inclusion on the county’s redistricting committee.


And, Monroe County’s County Executive, called for the creation of a committee in the fall of 2020, that is to include members of the public on it, and members of their County Legislature support it.


The County Legislature, as defined by Section 203 of the County Charter - Powers And Duties of the County Legislature, specifically Item J, states

"In addition to all powers conferred by the foregoing of other provisions of this Charter, the County Legislature shall have the power among others: To make such studies and investigations as it deems to be in the best interests of the County and may appoint temporary advisory boards of citizens.”

To the best of my knowledge, the committees formed by the Legislature during this term, have not included a member of the public on any of them.

As our elected leaders, you should always be finding ways to not only engage the public better, but more importantly, to involve the public.


You have that opportunity with the formation of this committee.


I ask that you do so tonight.


Andy Patros

Elmira, NY



To the Chemung County Legislature:


A major threat to our democracy is the cynicism that has gripped many people. It teaches that politicians and elected officials are corrupt, that government taxes without purpose, and that voting is pointless. This cynicism keeps people home on election day and keeps the public from participating in government and public policy.


The cure for this cynicism is to give people a chance to participate. Those who get a chance to see inside the workings of government come away with a more realistic view of the problems being faced and how difficult it is to balance the needs of the people with the resources available. Perhaps their view won’t be exactly optimistic after seeing this reality, but as they share this new viewpoint with their friends and neighbors, they may not feel as helpless.


Whenever you ignore a chance to include the public in government, you give the cynicism a chance to grow and fester. Two resolutions before you today will do just that. 


• 21-056 — Resolution establishing Legislative Redistricting and Efficiency of County Government Operations Advisory Committee on behalf of the Chairman of the Chemung County Legislature

— This would create a redistricting committee made of only legislators and no members of the public. The effect on elections and voting participation would be far-reaching. The county would be missing out on getting the valuable insight from voters whose districts would be changed.


• 21-113 — Resolution adopting Chemung County Legislature Route Slip and Resolution Policy

This would change the procedure for legislators to submit requests for action, and would require “route slips” for such actions be reviewed and approved by the chairman of the legislature.

— While I might see the logic to ensuring that proposed actions are properly formatted with enough explanation and documentation, the singular approval by the chairman opens up the system to abuse. In the worst case scenario, a chairperson could simply block any proposed action from a member of the minority party. This would effectively disenfranchise the residents of that member’s district. If formatting and efficiency is the goal here, perhaps the route slips could be managed by the professional staff before being added to the agenda. Otherwise, this appears to be a political tool to be used against opponents. 


Perhaps that is a cynical view, but the public would need more than personal assurances from the chairman that this is not the purpose of the resolution.


Thank you for your time,


Ed Bond 

Horseheads NY


Dear Legislators of Chemung County,


As I understand it, the only way for a matter to come to the floor of the Legislature for a vote is via the Legislative Chair, David Manchester. This puts all the power to decide what the legislature does in the hands of one person.  Also, concerning a process for redistricting our legislative districts:   Redistricting on its own is not problematic, but in this case the committee in charge of redistricting will be made up of only legislators and they will be appointed by the Legislative Chair, David Manchester. The process for redistricting should be fair, transparent, non-partisan and the members of the public should be on the committee.


Thank you,


Heather Stanton

Town of Elmira

My name is Lisa Marshall and I live on Moss Hill Rd. in the Town of Horseheads.


Re: item 21-056 - Please vote NO

Redistricting is an extremely important process that has been used in the past in extremely undemocratic ways to make some votes count more than others.* The process should be transparent, non-partisan, and fair to ensure the best possible outcome for all Chemung County residents.


Further, an unfair redistricting process will open Chemung County up to lawsuits which prevent redistricting to be accomplished, as has happened in other NY counties. 


It is important therefore that the committee that determines our new districts include members of the legislature chosen by both parties and members of the public selected by a fair process from a diverse pool of applicants. Other NY counties have exemplary processes with robust public participation we could follow as a model. Dutchess, Ulster, Albany and Broome are all some examples.


Re item 21-085 Please vote No

I object to tens of thousands of unbudgeted money being spent on hiring an outside consultant at this time. Rather I'd like to see a committee of Chemung County citizens and elected officials brought together to study the matter of our county government and make recommendations for the future. Such a committee could undertake the hiring of a consultant if needed at a future date. 


Re item 21-113 Please vote No

The Legislative Chair should not have the sole power to bring matters to a floor vote. Instead consider taking the process to the Rules Committee for a change to a more democratic process.


Show the people of Chemung County that you seek to serve our best interests and restore our faith in our local government.


*For reference read the excellent book 

Why Your Vote Doesn't Count by David Daley


Read what Dutchess County has done:



Lisa Marshall (she/her)

Program Director







By:  Sweet

Seconded by:  Briggs


MOVED, that the written committee reports of January 25, 2021 and February 1. 2021 be accepted as presented and corrected







By:  Burin

Seconded by:  Sweet


            MOVED, that the following Resolutions be considered as one for voting purposes:  21-053 through 21-064, 21-065 through 21-086, 21-087 stands alone, 21-088 stands alone,  21-089 through 21-092, 21-093 through 21-109, 21-110 stands alone, 21-111 through 21-113







                                                         LEGISLATORS’ COMMENTS


Mr. Margeson raised concerns regarding the make-up of the Legislative Redistricting and Efficiency of County Government Operations Advisory Committee.  He suggested that the committee be comprised of four Legislators, two appointed by the Majority Leader and two appointed by the Minority Leader and four members of the public at large.  Mr. Mrs. Sonsire agreed with Mr. Margeson’s recommendation, noting that in a time of voter mistrust and cynicism for government it is important to include the public whenever possible.  She feels it is important for the Redistricting and Efficiency of County Government Operations Advisory Committee be a Citizens Advisory Committee.  Mr. Manchester noted that the committee being proposed, which was approved through the Multi-Services Committee, is a Committee of the Legislature, which is being established under Rule E. of the Rules of the Chemung County Legislature.  What Mr. Margeson and Mrs. Sonsire are proposing is a Citizens Advisory Committee which would be formed under Rule F. of the Rules of the Legislature.  Attorney Maggs clarified that under Roberts Rules of Order amendments to particular agenda items must not substantially change what is being proposed, that is, they must remain germain to the item as it was originally proposed. 


Motion by Mr. Margeson, seconded by Mrs. Sonsire to postpone, indefinitely, Resolution No. 21-056 “Resolution establishing Legislative Redistricting and Efficiency of County Government Operations Advisory Committee”. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Sonsire.  The motion failed with a vote of three (3) in favor and eleven (11)  opposed. 

Motion by Mr. Sweet, seconded by Mr. Smith that Resolution 20-056 stand alone for voting purposes.  Motion Carried.


In regard to Resolution No. 21-057, Mrs. Sonsire noted that at the she was the President of the Arctic League at the time the Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”) between the County and the Artic League was executed.  She noted that there are other members of the Legislature who serve on the Arctic League Board.  She asked that it be noted that neither the Artic League nor any member of the Legislature benefited in any way through the MOU.


In regard to Resolution No. 21-085, Mrs. Sonsire stated there is no justification for the allocation of $48,000 (unbudgeted) tax payer money for a consultant study.  She feels that the research could be completed by the members of the committee. She will vote against the Resolution.  Mr. Margeson agreed with Mrs. Sonsire.  He asked where the money for the study would come from.  Mr. Hyland stated that he worked closely with CGR during the dissolution process for the Village of Van Etten.  He found them responsive and easy to work with.  He noted that although it is a large expenditure, it is justified as it would be too much for the Legislature to undertake themselves without the support and expertise of the Planning Department, or the GIS services of Southern Tier Central. 


Regarding Resolution 21-095 Mr. Smith noted that the proposed salary increase for the Supervisor of Fiscal Services (Health Department) is well over 10% of the salary as approved in the 2021 budget.  The employee has been offered a position with the Department of Aging and Long Term Care which would be an upgrade in salary.  Mr. Smith feels that the county should be encouraging the employee to take the upgrade with a different department.  It is a poor precedent to set to allow an employee to leverage an increase in pay because of extenuating circumstances (COVID).  He will not support the Resolution.


Regarding Resolution No.’s 21-103 and 21-104 Mr. Smith noted that both of these Resolutions create positions utilizing 45% State grant funding and reference the COVID pandemic as to why the positions are needed.  Mr. Smith stated that we are ten months into the pandemic and asked why these positions are needed now and what will they be needed for once the pandemic is over.  He noted that neither of the positions were identified in the 2021 budget.  Mr. Smith has been made aware that employees hired through grant funding often continue to work in their respective jobs even when the funding stream disappears.  This practice directly violates the Legislature’s intent as identified in all Resolutions creating or re-creating positons through grant funding.  Each of these authorizing Resolutions specifically states that if the county doesn’t receive all or any part of the funding the position is terminated without further action by the Legislature. Therefore, he will not support either of these Resolutions.


In regard to Resolution 21-113, Mrs. Sonsire noted that based on Public Comment she feels that although the Legislative Route Slip and Resolution Policy does not propose any  changes to the way things are currently being done, the opportunity to do things better should be incorporated into the Rules of the Legislature. 


Mrs. Sonsire made a motion to postpone Resolution 21-113 indefinitely.  The motion was seconded by Mr. Margeson.  The motion failed with a vote of four (4) in favor and ten (10) opposed.


Mr. Burin noted that the Cold War Veterans Tax Exemption (“CWVTE”) was authorized by Local Law #3 of 2019.  Cold War Veterans were able to apply for the exemption in 2020 and the exemption took effect in 2021.  At the time the Legislature was considering approving the CWVE they were being told there was a potential to lose $31,000,000 of assessment to the tax rolls, that taxes would increase 5¢ per thousand, and that 1,900 exemptions would be on the rolls as a result of the CWVTE.  Mr. Burin noted that the actual figures are quite different. To date, 64 veterans have taken advantage of the CWVTE. The impact to the assessment roll has been minimal, 1/10 of 1%.    On a macro level, the tax base was not affected at all; however, on a micro level, 64 veterans were directly impacted and received a tax exemption of about $100.  Mr. Burin thanked the Legislature for approving the CXVTE.  Mr. Sweet stated that perhaps there are many more veterans who don’t know about the exemption and suggested that the exemption be advertised in some way. 


Mr. Margeson noted that the county has opened a COVID-19 vaccination site that is capable of administering up to 1,000 inoculations per day, however the county is not receiving any doses.  He suggested that the Legislature write a letter to Governor Cuomo to discuss the current situation and to encourage him to send more vaccinations to Chemung County.  He would like to see the facility utilized as a Regional vaccination site.  Mr. Manchester noted that the facility is well equipped to handle this.  He will approach the County Executive about a joint effort in contacting the Governor.


Mrs. Sonsire requested that email correspondence between Legislator’s and/or the County Executive be included in the attachments to the minutes of the meetings.  The Chairman will discuss this with the Clerk and get back to Mrs. Sonsire.  

21-053Resolution confirming appointment to the Chemung County Planning Board (Corveleyn)


By:  Manchester


Seconded by:  Smith


              RESOLVED, that pursuant to Article 27, Section 2704 of the Chemung County Charter and Local Law 4 of the Year 1957, the written appointment of the County Executive be and the same is hereby received, accepted and placed on file and Elisabeth Corveleyn is hereby re-appointed to the Chemung County Planning Board, which term shall expire on December 31, 2024; and, be it further


              RESOLVED, that the Chemung County Legislature does hereby confirm the aforementioned appointments by the County Executive to the Chemung County Planning Board.


Ayes:  Pastrick, Sweet, Brennan, Margeson, Hyland, Sonsire, Woodard, Burin, Briggs, McCarthy, Drake, Smith, Strange, Manchester (Chairman) (14); Opposed:  None (0); Excused: Chalk (1)


21-054Resolution confirming appointment to the Fish & Wildlife Management Board (Sheen)

By:  Manchester


Seconded by:  Drake


              RESOLVED, that pursuant to Article 27, Section 2704 of the Chemung County Charter, and Section 11-0501 of the Environmental Conservation Law, the written appointment of the County Executive be and the same is hereby received, accepted and placed on file and David Sheen (Landowner) be and he hereby is appointed to the Fish and Wildlife Management Board, to fill the unexpired term of John Pastrick, which term shall expire December 31, 2021; and, be it further

              RESOLVED, that the Chemung County Legislature does hereby confirm the aforementioned appointment by the County Executive to the Fish and Wildlife Management Board.


Ayes:  Pastrick, Sweet, Brennan, Margeson, Hyland, Sonsire, Woodard, Burin, Briggs, McCarthy, Drake, Smith, Strange, Manchester (Chairman) (14); Opposed:  None (0); Excused: Chalk (1)


21-055Resolution confirming appointments to the Chemung County Aging & Long Term Care Advisory Council (Hubman, Moffe, Smith)

By:  Brennan


Seconded by:  Smith


            RESOLVED, that pursuant to Resolutions 168 of 1973 and 244 of 1976 and Section 2704 of the Chemung County Charter, the written appointment of the County Executive be and the same is hereby received, accepted and placed on file and the following individuals are hereby appointed to the Chemung County Aging and Long Term Care Advisory Committee for terms commencing January 1, 2021 and expiring December 31, 2023


Pastor Patricia Hubman

Nick Moffe

Herbert Smith

Chalanda Graham

Linnette Reder

and, be it further


            RESOLVED, that the Chemung County Legislature does hereby confirm the aforementioned appointments by the County Executive to the Chemung County Aging and Long Term Care Advisory Committee.


Ayes:  Pastrick, Sweet, Brennan, Margeson, Hyland, Sonsire, Woodard, Burin, Briggs, McCarthy, Drake, Smith, Strange, Manchester (Chairman) (14); Opposed:  None (0); Excused: Chalk (1)

21-056Resolution establishing Legislative Redistricting and Efficiency of County Government Operations Advisory Committee on behalf of the Chairman of the Chemung County Legislature

By:  Manchester


Seconded by:  Smith


            WHEREAS, the Chairman of the Chemung County Legislature, pursuant to the authority granted to him under Rule VII .E. of the Rules of Order and Procedure, for the Chemung County Legislature adopted by the Chemung County Legislature pursuant to Resolution No. 08-100, wishes to establish a Legislative Redistricting and Efficiency of County Government Operations Advisory Committee (the “Committee”) for the purpose of studying and reviewing Chemung County Legislature redistricting and efficiency of county government operations, and preparing under its supervision any draft changes to Charter language as it finds appropriate to effectuate its purposes, findings, and recommendations; and


            WHEREAS, the Committee will be comprised of five members of the Legislature, including a Chairperson, all appointed by the Chairman of the Legislature; and


            WHEREAS, under Article II, Section 203(j) of the Chemung County Charter, the Committee may utilize contracts with consultants and/or studies to be performed to

assist in its purpose, which shall be subject to the approval of the Legislature; and


            WHEREAS, the Committee will report its findings and/or deliberations to the Chairman of the Legislature, and issue a final report upon the conclusion of its activities; and


            WHEREAS, the Personnel Committee has recommended that the Chemung County Legislature confirm the establishment of a Legislative Redistricting and Efficiency of County Government Operations Advisory Committee as more specifically described in the Preamble to this Resolution; now, therefore, be it


            RESOLVED, that the Chemung County Legislature hereby establishes a Legislative Redistricting and Efficiency of County Government Operations Advisory Committee for the purpose of reviewing Chemung County Legislature redistricting and efficiency of county government.


Ayes:  Pastrick, Sweet, Brennan, Hyland, Woodard, Burin, Briggs, Drake, Smith, Strange, Manchester (Chairman) (11); Opposed: Margeson, Sonsire, McCarthy (3); Excused: Chalk (1)


21-057Resolution ratifying Memorandum of Understanding between the Arctic League, Inc. and the County of Chemung

By:  Brennan


Seconded by:  Smith


         WHEREAS, the County Executive has presented the Chemung County Legislature with a Memorandum of Agreement (“MOA”) between the Arctic League, Inc. (“AL”) and the County of Chemung (the “County”) for the six-month period January 7, 2021 through July 6, 2021 for the assignment of space by AL that includes a portion of Headquarters located at 249 W Clinton Street, Elmira, NY at no cost to the County for the purpose of the County to provide the public with the COVID-19 vaccine; and


         WHEREAS, the Health and Human Services Committee has reviewed the same and recommended its ratification by the Chemung County Legislature; now, therefore, be it


         RESOLVED,  that the MOU between AL and the County for the six-month period January 7, 2021 through July 6, 2021 for the terms, conditions and purposes as specified in the Preamble to this Resolution be and the same is hereby ratified and approved; and, be it further


         RESOLVED, that the County Executive be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute the agreement with AL, upon review and approval of the County Attorney, on behalf of the County of Chemung.


Ayes:  Pastrick, Sweet, Brennan, Margeson, Hyland, Sonsire, Woodard, Burin, Briggs, McCarthy, Drake, Smith, Strange, Manchester (Chairman) (14); Opposed:  None (0); Excused: Chalk (1)


21-058Resolution ratifying Memorandum of Understanding between the Chemung County Industrial Development Agency and the County of Chemung

By:  Manchester


Seconded by:  Smith


         WHEREAS, the County Executive has presented the Chemung County Legislature with a Memorandum of Agreement (“MOA”) between the Chemung County Industrial Development Agency  (“CCIDA”) and the County of Chemung (the “County”) for a six-month period beginning January 15, 2021 through July 14, 2021 for the assignment of space by the CCIDA that includes a portion of a building located at 17 Aviation Drive, Big Flats, NY (Museum Hangar) at no cost to the County for the purpose of the County to provide the public with the COVID-19 vaccine; and


         WHEREAS, the Health and Human Services Committee has reviewed the same and recommended its ratification by the Chemung County Legislature; now, therefore, be it


         RESOLVED,  that the MOU between CCIDA and the County for the six-month period January 15, 2021 through July 14, 2021 for the terms, conditions and purposes as specified in the Preamble to this Resolution be and the same is hereby ratified and approved; and, be it further


         RESOLVED, that the County Executive be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute the agreement with the CCIDA, upon review and approval of the County Attorney, on behalf of the County of Chemung.


Ayes:  Pastrick, Sweet, Brennan, Margeson, Hyland, Sonsire, Woodard, Burin, Briggs, McCarthy, Drake, Smith, Strange, Manchester (Chairman) (14); Opposed:  None (0); Excused: Chalk (1)



Resolution authorizing agreement with Environmental Emergency Services on behalf of the Chemung County Office of Fire and Emergency Management (flood warning services)

By:  Pastrick


Seconded by:  Smith


            WHEREAS, the Chemung County Office Fire and Emergency Management has requested authorization to enter into an agreement with Environmental Emergency Services, Inc. (“EES”) for flood warning services and hazardous materials consulting services during 2021 at a cost of $8,400; and


            WHEREAS, the County Executive and the Corrections and Law Enforcement Committee have recommended the Legislature approve this agreement; now, therefore, be it


            RESOLVED,  that the County Executive is hereby authorized and directed to enter into the aforementioned agreement with EES for flood warning services and hazardous materials consulting services during 2021 at a cost of $8,400, the terms and conditions  of that agreement to be subject to the review and approval of the County Attorney; and, be it further


            RESOLVED, that this agreement shall not be renewed, the initial term thereof extended of the agreement amended without the express consent by Resolution of this Legislature.


Ayes:  Pastrick, Sweet, Brennan, Margeson, Hyland, Sonsire, Woodard, Burin, Briggs, McCarthy, Drake, Smith, Strange, Manchester (Chairman) (14); Opposed:  None (0); Excused: Chalk (1)






21-060Resolution authorizing professional services agreement with Foor & Associates on behalf of the Chemung County Nursing Facility (architectural/engineering review of 6th floor)

By:  Brennan Seconded by:  Smith          


         WHEREAS,  the Interim Administrator for the Chemung County Nursing Facility has requested an agreement with Foor and Associates (“Foor”) for the provision of professional architectural and engineering services relative to the Renovations to the 6th Floor  Project (the “Project”) at a cost for the aforementioned professional services not to exceed $10,250; and 


         WHEREAS, the County Executive and the Health and Human Services Committee have recommended that the Chemung County Legislature approve this agreement; now, therefore, be it

         RESOLVED, that the County Executive is hereby authorized and directed to execute an agreement with Foor for the provision of professional architectural and engineering services relative the Project at a cost not to exceed $10,250; and, be it further


         RESOLVED, that the terms and conditions of the agreement shall be subject to the review and approval of the County Attorney; and, be it further           


         RESOLVED, that this agreement shall not be renewed, the initial term thereof extended or the agreement amended without express consent by Resolution of this Legislature.


Ayes:  Pastrick, Sweet, Brennan, Margeson, Hyland, Sonsire, Woodard, Burin, Briggs, McCarthy, Drake, Smith, Strange, Manchester (Chairman) (14); Opposed:  None (0); Excused: Chalk (1)

21-061Resolution authorizing agreement with Larson Design Group on behalf of the Chemung County Sewer Districts (General Services Agreement)

By:  Woodard


Seconded by:  Smith


            WHEREAS, the Interim Executive Director of the Chemung County Sewer Districts has requested authorization to enter into a Professional Services Agreement with Larson Design Group (“LDG”) for the provision by LDG of Study and Analysis Services, Design Services, and Grant Application Services during the period January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2021 at a cost not to exceed $18,000; and


            WHEREAS, the County Executive and the Multi-Services Committee have recommended that the Chemung County Legislature approve this agreement, now, therefore, be it


            RESOLVED, that the County Executive is hereby authorized and directed to enter into a Professional Services Agreement with LDG for the provision of the aforementioned services during the period January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2021 at a total cost not to exceed $18,000, the terms and conditions of that agreement to be subject to the review and approval of the County Attorney, and, be it further


            RESOLVED, that the agreement shall not be renewed, the initial term extended, or the agreement amended without the express consent by Resolution of this Legislature.


Ayes:  Pastrick, Sweet, Brennan, Margeson, Hyland, Sonsire, Woodard, Burin, Briggs, McCarthy, Drake, Smith, Strange, Manchester (Chairman) (14); Opposed:  None (0); Excused: Chalk (1)




21-062Resolution authorizing agreement with Barton & Loguidice on behalf of the Chemung County Executive (biennial update - local Solid Waste Management Plan)

By:  Woodard


Seconded by:  Smith


            WHEREAS, the County Executive as requested authorization to enter into an agreement with Barton and Loguidice, D.P.C. (“B&L”) for professional engineering services regarding the  preparation and submission of the Local Solid Waste Management Plan (“LSWMP”) Biennial Update during the period January 1, 2021 through May 1, 2021 at a cost not to exceed $6,500; and


            WHEREAS, the Multi-Services Committee has recommended that the Chemung County Legislature approve this request, now, therefore, be it


            RESOLVED, that the County Executive is hereby authorized and directed to execute an agreement with B&L, subject to the review and approval of the County Attorney,  for professional engineering services regarding the preparation and submission of the LSWMP during the period January 1, 2021 through May 1, 2021 at a cost not to exceed $6,500; and, be it further


            RESOLVED, that this agreement shall not be renewed, amended, or the initial term thereof extended without the express consent by Resolution of this Legislature.


Ayes:  Pastrick, Sweet, Brennan, Margeson, Hyland, Sonsire, Woodard, Burin, Briggs, McCarthy, Drake, Smith, Strange, Manchester (Chairman) (14); Opposed:  None (0); Excused: Chalk (1)


Resolution authorizing agreement with Arnot Medical Services on behalf of the Chemung County Personnel Department

By:  Manchester


Seconded by:  Smith


         WHEREAS, the Director of Personnel/Labor Relations has requested authorization to enter into an agreement with Arnot Medical Services (“Arnot”) for Arnot’s Center for Occupational and Environmental Medicine division to provide occupational health services (pre-employment physicals and fitness-for-duty examinations) to the Chemung County Personnel Department during the period January 1, 2021 through March 31, 2022 at various predetermined costs for each employee based upon the tests and screening required; and


         WHEREAS, the County Executive and the Personnel Committee have recommended that the Chemung County Legislature approve this agreement; now, therefore, be it


         RESOLVED, that the County Executive is hereby authorized and directed to enter into the aforementioned agreement with Arnot, the terms and conditions of that agreement to be subject to the approval of the County Attorney, for the period January 1, 2021 through March 31, 2022;  and, be it further


         RESOLVED, that this agreement shall not be renewed, the initial term thereof extended, or the agreement amended without the express consent by Resolution of this Legislature.


Ayes:  Pastrick, Sweet, Brennan, Margeson, Hyland, Sonsire, Woodard, Burin, Briggs, McCarthy, Drake, Smith, Strange, Manchester (Chairman) (14); Opposed:  None (0); Excused: Chalk (1)


21-064Resolution authorizing agreement with Clinical Social Work and Counseling Services of the Finger Lakes on behalf of the Chemung County Personnel Department

By:  Manchester


Seconded by:  Smith


         WHEREAS, the Director of Personnel/Labor Relations has requested authorization to enter into an agreement with Clinical Social Work and Counseling Services of the Finger Lakes (“CSW”) for the provision of  Employee Assistance Program services for the Chemung County employees during 2021 at a total cost of $3,500; and


         WHEREAS, the County Executive and the Personnel Committee have recommended the Chemung County Legislature approve this agreement; now, therefore, be it


         RESOLVED, that the County Executive is hereby authorized and directed to enter into the aforementioned agreement with CSW at a total cost of $3,500 during the period January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2021, the terms and conditions of this agreement to be subject to the review and approval of the County Attorney; and, be it further


         RESOLVED, that this agreement shall not be renewed, the initial term thereof extended, or the agreement amended without the express consent by Resolution of this Legislature.


Ayes:  Pastrick, Sweet, Brennan, Margeson, Hyland, Sonsire, Woodard, Burin, Briggs, McCarthy, Drake, Smith, Strange, Manchester (Chairman) (14); Opposed:  None (0); Excused: Chalk (1)





21-065Resolution authorizing Task Order No. 14 with McFarland Johnson, Inc. on behalf of the Elmira Corning Regional Airport (Construction Administration - Fuel Farm Rehabilitation Project)

By:  Sweet


Seconded by:  Smith


            WHEREAS, the County of Chemung pursuant to the authorization set forth in Resolution 17-398 entered into a five-year agreement beginning July 1, 2017 with McFarland-Johnson, Inc. (“MJ”) for engineering, design, planning, construction administration, and observation services for various Federal Aviation Administration (“FAA”) Airport Improvement Projects at the Elmira Corning Regional Airport; and


            WHEREAS, the Director of Aviation has advised the County Executive and this Legislature that Task Order No. 14 is for Construction Administration for the Fuel Farm Rehabilitation Project at a cost not to exceed $105,939.00 for MJ’s professional engineering and administrative  services; and


            WHEREAS, the County Executive and the Aviation Committee have recommended that the Chemung County Legislature approve the aforementioned Task Order No. 14 with MJ; now, therefore, be it


            RESOLVED, that the County Executive be and he hereby is authorized to enter into, on behalf of the County, Task Order No. 14 with MJ as described above; and, be it further


            RESOLVED, that the terms and conditions of the aforementioned Task Order to the agreement with MJ shall be subject to the review and approval of the County Attorney.


Ayes:  Pastrick, Sweet, Brennan, Margeson, Hyland, Sonsire, Woodard, Burin, Briggs, McCarthy, Drake, Smith, Strange, Manchester (Chairman) (14); Opposed:  None (0); Excused: Chalk (1)




Resolution authorizing annual service agreements on behalf of the Elmira Corning Regional Airport

By:  Sweet


Seconded by:  Smith


            WHEREAS, the Director of Aviation on behalf of the Elmira Corning Regional Airport has requested authorization to enter into various annual service agreements at a total cost of $134,920 during 2021 for those services; and


            WHEREAS, the County Executive and the Aviation Committee have recommended the Chemung County Legislature approve these agreements; now, therefore, be it


            RESOLVED,  that the County Executive is hereby authorized and directed to execute 2020 service agreements on behalf of the Elmira Corning Regional Airport with the following vendors:



Ameribridge                                        Jet Bridges                                                   $  18,000.00

Loomacres                                          Wildlife Management                                   $  27,000.00

Emergency Power Systems                Electrical Vault Generator Maintenance      $    3,850.00

Veoci                                                   Maintenance Management System             $  17,075.00



Davis Ulmer                                       Sprinkler System                                           $    1,945.00

Eastern Security Services                  Security Maintenance                                   $       300.00

FAST                                                  Alarm System Maintenance                         $       750.00

Imperial Door Controls                       Automatic Door Maintenance                       $    1,980.00

Xerox                                                  Copier Lease (Management)                       $    2,100.00

Kone                                                   Elevator Maintenance                                  $    1,800.00

Remi Group                                        Copiers, Fire Alarm Maintenance                $       500.00

Simplex Grinnell                                 System Monitoring                                       $    5,320.00


Airgas East                                         Cylinder Rental                                            $       300.00


Mead and Hunt                                   Air Service Development                             $  54,000.00


                                                                        GRAND TOTAL                              $134,920.00




and, be it further


            RESOLVED, that the terms and conditions of the agreements shall be subject to the review and approval of the County Attorney; and, be it further


            RESOLVED, that the agreements shall not be renewed, the terms thereof extended or the agreements amended without the express consent by Resolution by this Legislature.


Ayes:  Pastrick, Sweet, Brennan, Margeson, Hyland, Sonsire, Woodard, Burin, Briggs, McCarthy, Drake, Smith, Strange, Manchester (Chairman) (14); Opposed:  None (0); Excused: Chalk (1)




Resolution authorizing Change Order #1 to an agreement with Postler & Jaeckle Corporation on behalf of the Chemung County Department of Buildings and Grounds (Justice Building HVAC Phase 3 Project) (RFB-2191)

By:  Burin


Seconded by:  Smith


         WHEREAS, pursuant to Resolution No. 20-123, the County of Chemung entered into an agreement with Postler & Jaeckle Corporation (“P&J”) accepting the bid submitted by P&J in response to RFB-2191 relative to Justice Building HVAC Phase 3 Project  (the “Project”) in the amount of $123,000; and



         WHEREAS, the Superintendent for the Chemung County Department of Buildings and Grounds has requested an amendment to that original agreement in the net amount of $2,579.72 for certain changes to the scope of services as defined on a Change Order executed December 19, 2020 by P&J and by LaBella Associates, the Project’s architect; and


         WHEREAS, the County Executive and the Buildings and Grounds Committee have recommended that the Chemung County Legislature approve this Change Order; now, therefore, be it


         RESOLVED, that the County Executive is hereby authorized and directed to enter into an amended agreement with P&J for the Project for Change Order #1 at a cost not to exceed $2,579.72 for a new total cost not to exceed $125,679.72; and, be it further


         RESOLVED, that the terms and condition of the amended agreement with P&J for the Project shall be subject to the review and approval of the County Attorney;  and, be it further


         RESOLVED, that this agreement shall not be renewed, the initial term thereof extended or the agreement further amended without the express consent by Resolution of this Legislature.



Ayes:  Pastrick, Sweet, Brennan, Margeson, Hyland, Sonsire, Woodard, Burin, Briggs, McCarthy, Drake, Smith, Strange, Manchester (Chairman) (14); Opposed:  None (0); Excused: Chalk (1)



Resolution authorizing agreement with Frontier Communications, Inc. on behalf of the Chemung County Office of Fire and Emergency Management (maintenance Vesta Next Gen 911 phone system)

By:  Pastrick


Seconded by:  Smith


            WHEREAS, the Chemung County Fire and Emergency Management Office (“EMO”) has requested authorization to enter into a maintenance agreement with Frontier Communications, Inc. (“Frontier”) for the provision by Frontier of maintenance and repair of the Vesta Next Generation 911 telephone system located within the E-911 Center, including software upgrades and configurations, during the period January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2021 at an annual cost of $37,447.59; and


            WHEREAS, the County Executive and the Corrections and Law Enforcement Committee have recommended that the Chemung County Legislature approve EMO’s request; now, therefore, be it


            RESOLVED,  that the County Executive is hereby authorized and directed to execute a maintenance agreement with Frontier, subject to the review and approval of the County Attorney, as more specifically described in the preamble of this Resolution, in an amount not to exceed $37,447.59 during the period January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2021; and, be it further


            RESOLVED, that this agreement shall not be renewed, the initial term thereof extended, or the agreement amended without the express consent by Resolution of this Legislature.


Ayes:  Pastrick, Sweet, Brennan, Margeson, Hyland, Sonsire, Woodard, Burin, Briggs, McCarthy, Drake, Smith, Strange, Manchester (Chairman) (14); Opposed:  None (0); Excused: Chalk (1)



Resolution authorizing application for and acceptance of Upstate Quality Improvement and Caseload Reduction Grant from the  New York State Office of Indigent Legal Services on behalf of the Chemung County Public Advocate and the Chemung County Public Defender

By:  Pastrick


Seconded by:  Smith


            WHEREAS, the Chemung County Public Advocate has requested authorization to apply for and to accept an Upstate Quality Improvement and Caseload Reduction grant from the New York State Office of Indigent Legal Services (“NYS”) in the amount of $284,317 (100% State share) to provide caseload relief at the Public Advocate (continuation of part-time Assistant Public Advocate) and quality improvement at the Public Defender (continuation of full-time secretary) during the period July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2023; and


            WHEREAS, the County Executive and the Corrections and Law Enforcement Committee have recommended that the Chemung County Legislature approve such request; now, therefore, be it


            RESOLVED, that the County Executive is hereby authorized and directed to make application for the aforementioned funding from NYS in the amount of $284,317 to provide caseload relief at the Public Advocate and quality improvement at the Public Defender during the period July 1, 2020  through June 30, 2023; and, be it further


            RESOLVED, that the County Executive is hereby authorized and directed to sign such necessary documents as may be required relative to said application in accordance with the statutes and laws applicable thereto, which application and documents shall be in such form and contain such terms and conditions as approved by the County Attorney; and, be it further


            RESOLVED, that upon receipt of said grant, the County Executive, in his discretion, is hereby authorized and directed to accept the same within budgetary appropriations for the local share; and, be it further


            RESOLVED, that upon termination of the State funding, all benefits and services, including personnel, shall terminate without further action by this Legislature; and, be it further


            RESOLVED, that this agreement shall not be renewed, the initial term thereof extended, or the grant agreement amended without the express consent by Resolution of this Legislature.


Ayes:  Pastrick, Sweet, Brennan, Margeson, Hyland, Sonsire, Woodard, Burin, Briggs, McCarthy, Drake, Smith, Strange, Manchester (Chairman) (14); Opposed:  None (0); Excused: Chalk (1)


21-070Resolution authorizing various agreements on behalf of the Chemung County Department of Aging and Long Term Care

By:  Brennan


Seconded by:  Smith


         WHEREAS, the Director of the Chemung County Department of Aging and Long Term Care has requested approval to enter into agreements with various attorneys and vendors for services during 2021 as authorized by the Older Americans Act of 1965 (legal services $16,700, client transportation $31,000, meal delivery to congregate sites, $7,500, consulting agreement for Nutrition Site Managers $3,000, Registered Dietitian for Nutrition Program $41,600) and;


         WHEREAS, the County Executive and the Health and Human Services Committee have recommended that the Chemung County Legislature approve these agreements, now, therefore, be it


         RESOLVED, that the County Executive is hereby authorized and directed to enter into various agreements as more particularly described in the Preamble to this Resolution, the terms and conditions of those agreements to be subject to the review and approval of the County Attorney, at a total cost to the County of $98,800 ($57,150 Federal share, $31,400 State share, $9,750 local share, $1,500 third party donations) for the period January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2021; and, be it further


         RESOLVED, that upon termination of the Federal, State, or third party funding for any reason, or failure to receive the Federal or State funding or third party donation, for any of the programs or services to be contracted for, that those programs or services, including personnel positions funded by the receipt of Federal, State, or third party monies, shall also terminate without further action by this Legislature; and, be it further


         RESOLVED, that these agreements shall not be renewed, the initial term thereof extended, or the agreements amended without express consent by Resolution of this Legislature.


Ayes:  Pastrick, Sweet, Brennan, Margeson, Hyland, Sonsire, Woodard, Burin, Briggs, McCarthy, Drake, Smith, Strange, Manchester (Chairman) (14); Opposed:  None (0); Excused: Chalk (1)


Resolution authorizing service agreements on behalf of the Chemung County Nursing Facility, Chemung County Health Department, Chemung County Sheriff and Chemung County Buildings & Grounds Department

By:  Brennan


Seconded by:  Smith


            WHEREAS, the Interim Administrator of the Chemung County Nursing Facility (the “Administrator”) has requested authorization to enter into agreements with various vendors for services to be provided during 2021 to the Nursing Facility, the Chemung County Health Department, the Chemung County Sheriff, and the Chemung County Department of Buildings and Grounds; and


            WHEREAS, the County Executive and the Health and Human Services Committee have recommended that the Chemung County Legislature approve these agreements; now, therefore, be it


            RESOLVED,  that the County Executive is hereby authorized and directed to enter into agreements, the terms and condition of which shall be subject to the approval of the County Attorney, as shown on the “Chemung County Nursing Facility Contracts Schedule 2021” submitted to the Legislature by the Interim Administrator on January 11, 2021, which schedule is referred hereto and made a part hereof as if set forth at length herein, in the total amount of $4,603,195 ($2,131,112 Federal share, $1,694,770 State share, $777,313 local share) for the period January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2021; and, be it further


            RESOLVED,  that each of the contracts referred to herein shall be contingent upon the receipt by the County of Chemung of the Federal and State funding as referred to in this Resolution and that upon termination of either the Federal or State funding for any reason for any of the programs or services to be contracted for, that those programs or services, including personnel positions funded by the receipt of Federal or State monies, shall also terminate without further action by this Legislature; and, be it further


            RESOLVED, that these agreements shall not be renewed, the initial term thereof extended, or the agreements amended without the express consent by Resolution of this Legislature.


Ayes:  Pastrick, Sweet, Brennan, Margeson, Hyland, Sonsire, Woodard, Burin, Briggs, McCarthy, Drake, Smith, Strange, Manchester (Chairman) (14); Opposed:  None (0); Excused: Chalk (1)





21-072Resolution authorizing Memorandum of Understanding with Chemung County Children's Integrated Services on behalf of the Chemung County Department of Social Services


By:  Brennan


Seconded by:  Smith


         WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Human Services has requested approval of a Memorandum of Understanding (the “MOU”) between the Chemung County Department of Mental Hygiene, Children’s Integrated Services division (“CIS”) and the Chemung County Department of Social Services (“DSS”) for the provision of preventative services during 2021 at a cost of $2,096,799 ($1,300,015 State share, $796,784 local share [$512,000 reimbursed by Elmira City School District]); and


         WHEREAS, the County Executive and the Health and Human Services Committee have recommended the Chemung County Legislature approve the MOU; now, therefore, be it


         RESOLVED, that the County Executive is hereby authorized and directed to execute an MOU between the CIS and DSS for the provision of various services by CIS during the period January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2021 at a cost of $2,096,799 ($1,300,015 State share, $796,784 local share [$512,000 reimbursed by Elmira City School District]) the terms and conditions of that MOU to be subject to the review and approval of the County Attorney; and, be it further


         RESOLVED, that the agreement and the provision of services are contingent upon the receipt of the State monies in the amount set forth in the Preamble to this Resolution and in the event the County of Chemung should not receive those State monies or upon termination of the funding for any reason for any of the programs or services to be contracted for, that those programs or services, including personnel positions funded by the receipt of State monies, shall terminate without further action by this Legislature; and, be it further


         RESOLVED, that the MOU shall not be renewed, the initial term thereof extended, or the MOU amended without the express consent by Resolution of this Legislature.


Ayes:  Pastrick, Sweet, Brennan, Margeson, Hyland, Sonsire, Woodard, Burin, Briggs, McCarthy, Drake, Smith, Strange, Manchester (Chairman) (14); Opposed:  None (0); Excused: Chalk (1)






21-073Resolution authorizing application for and acceptance of CARES Act funding through the New York State Office of Children and Family Services on behalf of the Chemung County Department of Social Services

By:  Brennan


Seconded by:  Smith


         WHEREAS, the Chemung County Commissioner of Human Services  has requested authorization to apply for and to accept CARES Act funding through the  New York State Office of Children and Family Services in the amount of $1,167 (100% Federal share) to address the additional activities and challenges that have arisen due to the COVID-19 pandemic; and


         WHEREAS, the County Executive and the Corrections and Health and Human Services Committee have recommended that the Chemung County Legislature approve the application for and the acceptance of this funding; now, therefore, be it

         RESOLVED, that the County Executive is hereby authorized and directed to make application for and to accept CARES Act funding in the amount of $1,167 (100% Federal share) from the New York State Office of Children and Family Services for the period January 1, 2020 through September 30, 2020; and, be it further

         RESOLVED, that the County Executive is hereby authorized and directed to sign such necessary documents as may be required to make the application in accordance with the statutes and laws applicable thereto and to execute such documents as may be necessary to accept the grant on behalf of the County of Chemung, which documents shall be in such form and contain such terms and conditions as approved by the County Attorney; and, be it further

         RESOLVED,  that upon termination of the State funding, any and all agreements shall expire and all benefits and services, including personnel, shall terminate without further action by this Legislature; and, be it further

         RESOLVED, that the grant agreement shall not be renewed, the initial term thereof extended, or the grant agreement amended without the express consent by Resolution of this Legislature.


Ayes:  Pastrick, Sweet, Brennan, Margeson, Hyland, Sonsire, Woodard, Burin, Briggs, McCarthy, Drake, Smith, Strange, Manchester (Chairman) (14); Opposed:  None (0); Excused: Chalk (1)


21-074Resolution authorizing agreements with Various Providers of Day Care Services on behalf of the Chemung County Department of Social Services

By:  Brennan


Seconded by:  Smith


            WHEREAS,  the Human Services Commissioner has requested approval of agreements between the Chemung County Department of Social Services and various child day care providers for day care services during 2021; and


            WHEREAS, the County Executive and the Health and Human Services Committee have recommended that the Chemung County Legislature approve these agreements; now, therefore, be it


            RESOLVED, that the County Executive is hereby authorized and directed to execute the aforementioned agreements, the terms and conditions of which shall be subject to the review and approval of the County Attorney, for the period January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2021 at a total cost to the County of $3,926,388 (100% Federal share); and, be it further


            RESOLVED, that the execution of the agreements with the various day care providers authorized by this Resolution are subject to and conditioned upon the receipt by the County of Chemung of the Federal and State monies referred to in the Preamble to this Resolution and in the event the County of Chemung does not receive the Federal or State monies more particularly described in the Preamble to this Resolution, the agreements with the various day care providers authorized by this Resolution  shall be of no force and effect and shall terminate without further action by this Legislature; and be it further


            RESOLVED, that the agreements shall not be renewed, the initial terms thereof extended, or the agreements amended without the express consent by Resolution of this Legislature.


Ayes:  Pastrick, Sweet, Brennan, Margeson, Hyland, Sonsire, Woodard, Burin, Briggs, McCarthy, Drake, Smith, Strange, Manchester (Chairman) (14); Opposed:  None (0); Excused: Chalk (1)





21-075Resolution amending agreement with New York State Office of Children and Family Services  on behalf of the Chemung County Department of Social Services (Safe Harbour Grant Funding)


By:  Brennan


Seconded by:  Smith


         WHEREAS, pursuant to Resolution 20-399 the Chemung County Legislature authorized and agreement with the New York State Office of Children and Family Services (“NYSOCFS”) for Safe Harbour Grant Funding in the amount of $43,350 (100% State share) during the period January 1, 2020 through March 31, 2020; and


         WHEREAS, the Chemung County Commissioner of Human Services has requested authorization to amend the agreement to extend the term through December 31, 2024; and


         WHEREAS, the County Executive and the Health and Human Services Committee have recommended that the Chemung County Legislature approve this request; now, therefore, be it


         RESOLVED,  that the County Executive is hereby authorized and directed to execute an amended agreement with NYSOCFS, subject to the review and approval of the County Attorney,  to extend the term of the agreement through December 31, 2024; and, be it further


         RESOLVED,  that upon termination of the State funding, any and all agreements shall expire and all benefits and services, including personnel, shall terminate without further action by this Legislature; and, be it further


         RESOLVED, that the grant agreement shall not be renewed, the initial term thereof extended, or the grant agreement amended without the express consent by Resolution of this Legislature.


Ayes:  Pastrick, Sweet, Brennan, Margeson, Hyland, Sonsire, Woodard, Burin, Briggs, McCarthy, Drake, Smith, Strange, Manchester (Chairman) (14); Opposed:  None (0); Excused: Chalk (1)

Resolution authorizing application for and acceptance of grant funding from the United Way of the Southern Tier on behalf of the Chemung County Department of Youth and Recreational Services

By:  Brennan


Seconded by:  Smith


         WHEREAS, the Director of Chemung County Department of Youth and Recreational Services has requested authorization to apply for and to accept a three-year grant in the amount of $9,500 per year for the Summer Cohesion Program from the United Way of the Southern Tier;  and


         WHEREAS, the County Executive and the Health and Human Services Committee have recommended that the Chemung County Legislature approve the application for and the acceptance of this grant; now, therefore, be it


         RESOLVED, that the County Executive is hereby authorized and directed to make application for the aforementioned two-year grant from the United Way of the Southern Tier in the total amount of $28,500 for the 2021, 2022, and 2023 Summer Cohesion Programs;  and, be it further


         RESOLVED, that the County Executive is hereby authorized and directed to sign such necessary documents as may be required to make the application in accordance with the statutes and laws applicable thereto, which documents shall be in such form and contain such terms and conditions as approved by the County Attorney; and, be it further


         RESOLVED, that upon receipt of said grants, the County Executive, in his discretion, is hereby authorized and directed to accept the same within budgetary appropriations for the local share; and, be it further


         RESOLVED, that the terms and conditions of the application and the grant agreement shall be subject to the review and approval of the County Attorney; and, be it further


         RESOLVED, that upon termination of the funding, the agreement will expire and all benefits and services, including personnel, shall terminate without further action by this Legislature; and, be it further


         RESOLVED, that this agreement shall not be renewed, the initial term thereof extended, or the agreement amended without the express consent by Resolution of this Legislature.


Ayes:  Pastrick, Sweet, Brennan, Margeson, Hyland, Sonsire, Woodard, Burin, Briggs, McCarthy, Drake, Smith, Strange, Manchester (Chairman) (14); Opposed:  None (0); Excused: Chalk (1)



Resolution extending agreement with Mengel, Metzger, Barr & Company,  LLP on behalf of the Chemung County Nursing Facility (Financial Services)

By:  Brennan


Seconded by:  Smith


            WHEREAS, pursuant to RFP-2174 and Resolution 20-07 the Chemung County Legislature authorized an agreement with Mengel, Metzger, Barr & Company, LLP (“MMB”) for the provision of Financial Services (audit of financial statements and Medicaid Cost Report); and


            WHEREAS, the Interim Administrator of the Chemung County Nursing Facility has requested authorization to extend the professional services agreement with Mengel, Metzger, Barr & Company, LLC (“MMB”) for the provision of annual audit of financial statements and certification of the Medicaid Cost Report (RFP-2174) for a one-year period beginning January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2021 at a cost not to exceed $35,850 (50% Federal share, 40% State share, 10% local share); and


            WHEREAS, the County Executive and the Health and Human Services Committee have recommended that the Chemung County Legislature approve this request; now, therefore, be it


            RESOLVED, that the County Executive is hereby authorized and directed to execute an extended agreement with MMB, subject to the review and approval of the County Attorney, for the services more particularly described in the preamble to this Resolution during the period January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2021 at a cost not to exceed $35,850 (50% Federal share, 40% State share, 10% local share); and, be it further


            RESOLVED, that upon termination of all or any portion of Federal or State funding for any reason, or failure to receive either the Federal funding, State funding for any of the services to be contracted for, that those services shall terminate without further action by this Legislature; and, be it further

RESOLVED, that this agreement shall not be renewed, the initial term thereof extended, or the agreements amended without express consent by Resolution of this Legislature.


Ayes:  Pastrick, Sweet, Brennan, Margeson, Hyland, Sonsire, Woodard, Burin, Briggs, McCarthy, Drake, Smith, Strange, Manchester (Chairman) (14); Opposed:  None (0); Excused: Chalk (1)

21-078Resolution authorizing Inter-Municipal Agreement with City of Elmira on behalf of the Chemung County Department of Social Services

By:  Brennan


Seconded by: Smith


            WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Human Services has requested authorization to enter into an inter-municipal agreement with the City of Elmira for the provision by the City of various services (Fraud Investigator, and Youth Court) during the period January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2021 at a total cost of $205,000 ($57,500 Federal share, $96,050 State share, $51,450 local share); and


            WHEREAS, the County Executive and the Health and Human Services Committee have recommended that the Chemung County Legislature approve this agreement, now, therefore, be it


             RESOLVED, that the County Executive is hereby authorized and directed to enter into an agreement with the City of Elmira for the provision of the aforementioned services during the period January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2021 at a total cost of $205,000 ($57,500 Federal share, $96,050 State share, $51,450 local share), the terms and conditions of that agreement to be subject to the review and approval of the County Attorney, and, be it further


             RESOLVED, that the agreement with the City of Elmira shall be contingent upon the receipt by the County of the Federal and State funding in the amounts set forth in the preamble to this Resolution and that upon termination or the County’s failing to receive any of the funding for any reason the contract with the City of Elmira shall terminate without further action by this Legislature; and, be it further


             RESOLVED, that the agreement shall not be renewed, the initial term extended, or the agreement amended without the express consent by Resolution of this Legislature.


Ayes:  Pastrick, Sweet, Brennan, Margeson, Hyland, Sonsire, Woodard, Burin, Briggs, McCarthy, Drake, Smith, Strange, Manchester (Chairman) (14); Opposed:  None (0); Excused: Chalk (1)


21-079Resolution authorizing agreement with COMET Informatics, LLC on behalf of Chemung  County Department of Social Services

By:  Brennan


Seconded by:  Smith


            WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Human Services has requested authorization to enter into a Professional Services Contract with COMET Informatics, LLC (“COMET”) for the provision by COMET of the Chemung County Integrated Information System for Children and Youth (“CIIS”) during the period January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2021 at a cost of $86,000 ($43,000 Federal share, $21,500 State share, $21,500 local share); and


            WHEREAS, the County Executive and the Health and Human Services Committee have recommended that the Chemung County Legislature approve this agreement, now, therefore, be it


            RESOLVED, that the County Executive is hereby authorized and directed to enter into a Professional Services Contract with COMET for the provision of the aforementioned services during the period January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2021 at a total cost of $86,000 ($43,000 Federal share, $21,500 State share, $21,500 local share), the terms and conditions of that agreement to be subject to the review and approval of the County Attorney, and, be it further


            RESOLVED,  that upon termination or the County’s failing to receive any of the Federal or State funding for any reason this agreement shall become null and void and of no further force and effect without further action by this Legislature; and, be it further


            RESOLVED, that the agreement shall not be renewed, the initial term extended, or the agreement amended without the express consent by Resolution of this Legislature.


Ayes:  Pastrick, Sweet, Brennan, Margeson, Hyland, Sonsire, Woodard, Burin, Briggs, McCarthy, Drake, Smith, Strange, Manchester (Chairman) (14); Opposed:  None (0); Excused: Chalk (1)




21-080Resolution authorizing agreement with Northwoods on behalf of the Chemung County Department Social Services

By:  Brennan


Seconded by:  Smith


            WHEREAS, the Human Services Commissioner has requested authorization to enter into an three-year agreement with Northwoods for the purchase, implementation, and maintenance of certain proprietary software known as the Traverse Program ;  and


            WHEREAS, Northwoods shall provide the Traverse Program during the period January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2023 at a total cost to the County of Chemung not to exceed $415,200 ($149,200 in 2021 [subscription, professional services, and content migration]; $133,000 in 2022 and 2023) ($207,600 Federal share, $103,800 State share, $103,800 local share); and


            WHEREAS, the County Executive and the Health and Human Services Committee have recommended that the Chemung County Legislature approve the implementation of the Mobile Productivity Solution to the DSS and this agreement with NCP; now, therefore, be it


            RESOLVED, that the County Executive is hereby authorized and directed to enter into the aforementioned agreement with Northwoods for proprietary software known as the Travers Program, the terms and conditions of which shall be subject to the approval of the County Attorney, for the period of January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2023 at a total cost to the County of Chemung not to exceed $415,200 ($149,200 in 2021 [subscription, professional services, and content migration]; $133,000 in 2022 and 2023) ($207,600 Federal share, $103,800 State share, $103,800 local share); and, be it further


            RESOLVED, that the execution of the agreement with the Northwood is subject to and conditioned upon the receipt by the County of Chemung of the Federal and State monies referred to in the Preamble to this Resolution and in the event the County of Chemung does not receive the Federal and State monies more particularly described in the Preamble to this Resolution, the agreement with Northwoods shall be of no force and effect and shall terminate without further action by this Legislature; and be it further


            RESOLVED, that this agreement shall not be renewed, the term thereof extended, or the agreement amended without the express consent by Resolution of this Legislature.


Ayes:  Pastrick, Sweet, Brennan, Margeson, Hyland, Sonsire, Woodard, Burin, Briggs, McCarthy, Drake, Smith, Strange, Manchester (Chairman) (14); Opposed:  None (0); Excused: Chalk (1)

21-081Resolution authorizing application for and acceptance of various grants on behalf of the Chemung County Department of Aging and Long Term Care 

By:  Brennan


Seconded by:  Smith


         WHEREAS,  the Director of the Chemung County Department of Aging and Long Term Care has requested authorization to apply for and to accept Federal and State grants for various programs; and


         WHEREAS, the County Executive and the Health and Human Services Committee have recommended that the Chemung County Legislature approve this requested authorization to apply for and to accept various grants; now, therefore, be it


         RESOLVED, that the County Executive is hereby authorized and directed to make application for the following grants pursuant to the Older Americans Act of 1965, including but not limited to:  Title III-B, Title III-C-1, Title III-C-2, Title D, Title E, NSIP, HIICAP, MIPPA, WIN, CSI, State Transportation, Unmet Needs, NY Connects, CSE, and EISEP,  in the total amount of $2,123,879 ($44,125 Federal share, $1,048,907 State share, $582,847 local share, $48,000 cost share/donations) all as more particularly described in a memorandum submitted by the Department of Aging and Long Term Care, a copy of which is on file in the office of the Clerk of this Legislature and is incorporated by reference in this resolution; and, be it further


         RESOLVED, that the County Executive is hereby authorized and directed to sign such necessary documents as may be required to complete and file these applications in accordance with the statutes and laws applicable thereto, which documents shall be in such form and contain such terms and conditions as approved by the County Attorney, and, be it further


         RESOLVED, that upon termination of all or any portion of Federal or State funding for any reason, or failure to receive either the Federal funding, State funding, or third party donations, for any of the programs or services to be contracted for, that those programs or services, including personnel positions funded by the receipt of Federal funding, State funding, or third party monies, shall also terminate without further action by this Legislature; and, be it further


         RESOLVED, that these agreements shall not be renewed, the initial term thereof extended, or the agreements amended without express consent by Resolution of this Legislature.


Ayes:  Pastrick, Sweet, Brennan, Margeson, Hyland, Sonsire, Woodard, Burin, Briggs, McCarthy, Drake, Smith, Strange, Manchester (Chairman) (14); Opposed:  None (0); Excused: Chalk (1)


21-082Resolution authorizing agreement with Meals on Wheels of Chemung County, Inc. on behalf of the Chemung County Department of Aging and Long Term Care

By:  Brennan


Seconded by:  Smith


         WHEREAS, the Director of the Chemung County Department of Aging and Long Term Care has requested authorization to enter into a contract with Meals on Wheels of Chemung County, Inc. (“MOW”) for the provision of the Program to the Chemung County Departments of Aging and Long Term Care and Health during the period January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2021 at a cost of $345,300 ($215,251 Federal share, $91,282 State share, $19,976 local share, $18,791 third party donations); and


         WHEREAS, the County Executive and the Health and Human Services Committee have recommended that the Chemung County Legislature approve the agreement, now, therefore, be it


         RESOLVED, that the County Executive is hereby authorized and directed to execute an agreement with MOW for the Program to be provided during the period January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2021 at a cost of $345,300 ($215,251 Federal share, $91,282 State share, $19,976 local share, $18,791 third party donations); and, be it further


         RESOLVED, that the agreement with MOW is contingent upon the receipt of the Federal and State funding and the third party donations in the amounts set forth in this Resolution and in the event the County does not receive those amounts or upon termination of the Federal, State, or third party funding for any reason, that those programs or services, including personnel positions funded by the receipt of Federal, State, or third party monies, shall also terminate without further action by this Legislature; and, be it further


         RESOLVED, that the agreement shall not be renewed, the initial term thereof extended, or the agreement amended without express consent by Resolution of this Legislature.


Ayes:  Pastrick, Sweet, Brennan, Margeson, Hyland, Sonsire, Woodard, Burin, Briggs, McCarthy, Drake, Smith, Strange, Manchester (Chairman) (14); Opposed:  None (0); Excused: Chalk (1)




Resolution amending agreement with C.P. Ward, Inc. on behalf of the Chemung County Soil and Water Conservation District (Agreement 68-2C31-17-205)(Newtown  Hoffman Site 18 Flood Control Dam)

By:  Woodard


Seconded by:  Smith


         WHEREAS, pursuant to Resolution No. 20-331 the Chemung County Legislature authorized an agreement with C.P. Ward, Inc. (“Ward”) for Newtown Hoffman Site 18 Remediation Dam Repairs (the “Project”) in the amount of $192,565 (100% Federal share); and


         WHEREAS, the U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service has informed the Chemung County Soil and Water Conservation District that additional grant monies in the amount of $68,062 are available for Watershed Operations, Remedial Repair for Newtown Hoffman Dam Site 18 for a total grant award of $318,062 (100% Federal share) (Agreement 68-2C31-17-205); and


         WHEREAS, the Director of the Chemung County Soil and Water Conservation District has requested that the agreement with Ward be amended to include the cost of  an alternate cured in-place pipe liner that conforms to drinking water standards in the amount of $126,062 (100% Federal share); and


         WHEREAS, the County Executive and the Multi-Service Committee have recommended that the Chemung County Legislature approve this request; now, therefore, be it


         RESOLVED, that the County Executive is hereby authorized and directed to execute an amended agreement with Ward, subject to the review and approval of the County Attorney, for the services more particularly described in the preamble to this Resolution during the period October 30, 2020 through September 30, 2021 for a total amended cost not to exceed $318,062 (100% Federal share); and, be it further


         RESOLVED, that upon termination of all or any portion of Federal funding for any reason, or failure to receive the Federal funding for any of the services to be contracted for, that those services shall terminate without further action by this Legislature; and, be it further


         RESOLVED, that this agreement shall not be renewed, the initial term thereof extended, or the agreements amended without express consent by Resolution of this Legislature.


Ayes:  Pastrick, Sweet, Brennan, Margeson, Hyland, Sonsire, Woodard, Burin, Briggs, McCarthy, Drake, Smith, Strange, Manchester (Chairman) (14); Opposed:  None (0); Excused: Chalk (1)


21-084Resolution ratifying lease agreement with Xylem Water Solutions on behalf of the Chemung County Department of Public Works (dewatering pumps - Dry Brook Road [CR23] Culvert Project)

By:  Strange


Seconded by:  Smith


         WHEREAS, the Commissioner of the Chemung County Department of Public Works has requested the ratification of a lease agreement with Xylem Water Solutions USA, Inc. (“Xylem”) for the rental of large de-watering pumps (the “equipment”) for the Dry Brook Road (CR23) Culver Project in the amount of $23,155.27 for the period August 6, 2020 through September 18, 2020; and


         WHEREAS, the County Executive and the Highway Committee have recommended that the Chemung County Legislature ratify the lease agreement with Xylem; now, therefore, be it


         RESOLVED,  that the lease agreement with Xylem in the amount of $23,155.27 for the period August 6, 2020 through September 18, 2020 be and the same is hereby ratified and approved; and, be it further


         RESOLVED, that upon review and approval of the County Attorney, the County Executive be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute the lease agreement with Xylem


Ayes:  Pastrick, Sweet, Brennan, Margeson, Hyland, Sonsire, Woodard, Burin, Briggs, McCarthy, Drake, Smith, Strange, Manchester (Chairman) (14); Opposed:  None (0); Excused: Chalk (1)


21-085Resolution authorizing agreement with CGR on behalf of the Chairman of the Chemung County Legislature

By:  Manchester


Seconded by:  Smith


         WHEREAS, the Chairman of the Chemung County Legislature (the ‘Chairman”) has requested authorization to enter into an agreement with CGR for CGR to study the composition and structure of  Chemung County’s government compared to similar counties including the size of Legislature, ratio of representation, selection of county officials, estimated costs of various branches of government; and a separate redistricting phase agreement involving analysis of Census data and development of new legislative district maps and descriptions for consideration as amendments to the Chemung County Charter, all to assist the Legislative Redistricting and Efficiency of County Government Operations Advisory Committee in making recommendations to the Chairman at a total cost not to exceed $48,000, with funding appropriated from the unreserved (unappropriated) fund balance of the general fund to the Legislature contracts account 10-1040-50408; and


         WHEREAS, the Budget Committee has recommended the Chemung County Legislature approve this agreement; now, therefore, be it


         RESOLVED, that the Chairman of the Legislature is hereby authorized and directed to enter into the aforementioned agreement with CGR, as more particularly described in the Preamble to this Resolution, at a total cost not to exceed of $48,000 during the period February 1, 2021 through December 31, 2021, the terms and conditions of this agreement to be subject to the review and approval of the Attorney for the Legislature; and, be it further


         RESOLVED, that the Chemung County Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to transfer $48,000 from the unreserved (unappropriated) fund balance of  the general fund to the Legislature contracts account 10-1040-50408; and, be it further


         RESOLVED, that this agreement shall not be renewed, the initial term thereof extended, or the agreement amended without the express consent by Resolution of this Legislature.


Ayes:  Pastrick, Sweet, Brennan, Hyland, Woodard, Burin, Briggs, Drake, Smith, Strange, Manchester (Chairman) (11); Opposed:  Margeson, Sonsire, McCarthy (3); Excused: Chalk (1)

21-086Resolution extending agreement with Auctions International on behalf of the Chemung County Purchasing Department

By:  Manchester


Seconded by:  Smith


            WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 17-037 and RFP-1899 the County of Chemung, on behalf of its Purchasing Director, sought proposals and entered into an agreement with Auctions International for professional services to conduct live on-site and web-based internet auctions of surplus County-owned property (the “Services”) through December 31, 2019; and


            WHEREAS, the terms of the Request for Proposals and the agreement provided for the extension of the agreement under the same terms, conditions, and pricing structure for three additional one-year periods;  and


            WHEREAS, the Purchasing Director has requested that the agreement be extended to December 31, 2021, the second one-year extension period, pursuant to the terms and conditions as contained within the Request for Proposals and the agreement with Auctions International;  and


            WHEREAS, the County Executive and the Budget Committee have recommended that the Chemung County Legislature approve the extension of the original agreement; now, therefore, be it


            RESOLVED, that the County Executive is hereby authorized and directed to enter into an amended agreement with Auctions International, the terms and conditions of the amended agreement to be subject to the review and approval of the County Attorney, to extend the original agreement through December 31, 2021 for the provision of the Services under the same terms, conditions, and pricing structure; and, be it further


            RESOLVED, that the agreement shall not be renewed, the term thereof further extended, or the agreement further amended without the express consent by Resolution of this Legislature.


Ayes:  Pastrick, Sweet, Brennan, Margeson, Hyland, Sonsire, Woodard, Burin, Briggs, McCarthy, Drake, Smith, Strange, Manchester (Chairman) (14); Opposed:  None (0); Excused: Chalk (1)

21-087Resolution authorizing transfers and appropriations by the County Executive

By:  Manchester


Seconded by:  Sweet


            RESOLVED, that the County Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to transfer the following designated amounts, and to create the following revenue and appropriation accounts with the following amount, to wit:


2020 Transfers:


$1,496,455.00 from 10 6010 0100 0400 Medicaid to State

$     58,274.50 from 10 6010 0100 50443 0102 Day Care

            To 10 6010 0100 0401 Medicaid Other


$837.57 from 10 3120 3110 42797 Other Local Gov’t

            To 10 6420 42797 Other Local Gov’t


$837.57 from 10 3120 3110 50418 Gas, Fuel & Oil

            To 10 6420 50418 Gas, Fuel & Oil


$43,600.00 from 10 1990 1990 50408 Contingency

            To 10 8030 50408 STN-Broadband Coalition


2020 Appropriations:


Inc. Rev. Acct. 10 5630 44089 FA Gen Gov’t Aid                                        $841,345.00

Inc. App. Acct. 10 5630 50408 Contracts                                                      $841,345.00


2021 Appropriations:


Inc. Rev. Acct. 56 5610 5610 45700 Proceeds from Obligations                  $   842.782.00

Inc. Rev. Acct. 56 5610 5610 44000 FA Federal Grants                               $3,192,739.00

Inc. Rev. Acct. 56 5610 5610 43000 State Grants                                         $1,183,548.00

Inc. App. Acct. 56 5610 5610 50467 Building Projects                                 $5,219,069.00


Ayes:  Pastrick, Sweet, Brennan, Margeson, Hyland, Sonsire, Woodard, Burin, Briggs, McCarthy, Drake, Smith, Strange, Manchester (Chairman) (14); Opposed:  None (0); Excused: Chalk (1)





Resolution authorizing $10,060,000 bonds of the County of Chemung, New York, to pay the cost of certain improvements for the Chemung County Elmira Sewer District in and for said County

            WHEREAS, the County Legislature of the County of Chemung has adopted an amendatory bond resolution on January 14, 2019 relating to various sewer system improvements on behalf of the Elmira Sewer District; and


            WHEREAS, all requirements under the State Environmental Quality Review Act (“SEQR”) were not complete at the time of adoption of such bond resolution; and


            WHEREAS, SEQR has now been complied with reflecting no significant adverse environmental impacts and it is necessary to readopt the bond resolution in connection with the improvements for the Elmira Sewer District; and


            WHEREAS, it is now desired to provide for the financing of such improvement pursuant to the Local Finance Law; NOW, THEREFORE,


            BE IT RESOLVED, by the County Legislature of the County of Chemung, New York, as follows:


            Section 1.        The bond resolution dated January 14, 2019 (Resolution No. 19-104) is hereby superseded to read as follows:




            WHEREAS, the County Legislature of the County of Chemung, New York, has heretofore, pursuant to Section 268 of the County Law, found it to be in the public interest to revise an increase and improvement of the facilities of the Elmira Sewer District in said County by (i) increasing the cost of the rehabilitation for the Grace Street Pump Station and rehabilitation of Industrial Park - City Yards Pump Station by $300,000, and (ii) revising the cost and scope of the influent screw pump replacement to include construction; and


            WHEREAS, it is now desired to provide for the financing of such revised increase and improvement pursuant to the Local Finance Law; NOW, THEREFORE,


            BE IT RESOLVED, by the County Legislature of the County of Chemung, New York, as follows:


            Section 1.        For the specific object or purpose consisting of the financing of the increase and improvement of the facilities of the District, consisting of the following: (i) a

disinfection project at the wastewater treatment plant ($6,900,000); (ii) rehabilitation of Grace Street Pump Station and rehabilitation of Industrial Park – City Yards Pump Station ($1,400,000); (iii) planning for and construction of influent screw pump replacement ($1,650,000); and (iv) planning for CDSD regional system improvements ($110,000), deemed to be of benefit to the District at large, there are hereby authorized to be issued $10,060,000 bonds of the County of Chemung, New York, pursuant; to the provisions of the Local Finance Law. The period of probable usefulness of the aforesaid disinfection project, rehabilitation of pump stations and influent screw pump replacement is forty (40) years, pursuant to subdivision 4 of the paragraph a of Section 11.00 of the Local Finance Law. The period of probable usefulness of the aforesaid planning item is five (5) years, pursuant to subdivision 62 of paragraph a of Section 11.00 of the Local Finance Law.


            Section 2.        The maximum estimated cost of such improvements is $10,060,000, and the plan for the financing thereof shall be by and the issuance of the $10,060,000 bonds of said County herein authorized.


            Section 3.        The faith and credit of said County of Chemung, New York, are hereby irrevocably pledged for the payment of the principal of and interest on such bonds as the same respectively become due and payable. There shall be annually apportioned and assessed upon the several lots and parcels of land within said District, in the manner provided by law, an amount sufficient to pay the principal and interest on said bonds as the same become due, but if not paid from such source, all the taxable real property in said County shall be subject to the levy of ad valorem taxes, sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on said bonds as the same shall become due.


            Section 4.        Subject to the provisions of the Local Finance Law, the power to authorize the issuance of and to sell bond anticipation notes in anticipation of the issuance and sale of the bonds herein authorized, including renewals of such notes, is hereby delegated to the County Treasurer, the chief fiscal officer. Such notes shall be of such terms, form and contents, and shall be sold in such manner, as may be prescribed by said County Treasurer, consistent with the provisions of the Local Finance Law.


            Section 5.        All other matters except as provided herein relating to the bonds herein authorized including the date, denominations, maturities and interest payment dates, within the limitations prescribed herein and the manner of execution of the same, including the consolidation with other issues, and also the ability to issue bonds with substantially level or declining annual debt service, shall be determined by the County Treasurer, the chief fiscal officer of such County. Such bonds shall contain substantially the recital of validity clause provided for in Section 52.00 of the Local Finance Law, and shall otherwise be in such form and contain such recitals, in addition to those required by Section 51.00 of the Local Finance Law, as the County Treasurer shall determine consistent with the provisions of the Local Finance Law.


            Section 6.        The County Treasurer is hereby further authorized, at her sole discretion, to execute a project finance and/or loan agreement, and any other agreements with the New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation, including amendments thereto, and including any instruments (or amendments thereto) in the effectuation thereof, in order to effect the financing or refinancing of the object or purpose described in Section 1 hereof, or a portion thereof, by a bond or note issue of said County in the event of the sale of same to the New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation.


            Section 7.        The validity of such bonds and bond anticipation notes may be contested only if:


1)  Such obligations are authorized for an object or purpose for which said County is not authorized to expend money, or


               2)  The provisions of law which should be complied with at the date of publication of               this resolution are not substantially complied with, and an action, suit or                                   proceeding contesting such validity is commenced within twenty days after the date               of such publication, or  


               3)  Such obligations are authorized in violation of the provisions of the Constitution.


                        Section 8.        This resolution shall constitute a statement of official intent for purposes of Treasury Regulations Section 1.150 2. Other than as specified in this resolution, no monies are, or are reasonably expected to be, reserved, allocated on a long-term basis, or otherwise set aside with respect to the permanent funding of the object or purpose described herein.”


Section 2.        This resolution, which takes effect immediately, shall be published in summary form in the official newspaper of such County, together with a notice of the Clerk of the County Legislature in substantially the form provided in Section 81.00 of the Local Finance Law.


The adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly put to a vote on roll call, which resulted as follows:


AYES:             14


NAYS:              0


EXCUSED:      1



The resolution was thereupon declared duly adopted.


21-089Resolution authorizing purchase agreement with Cargill, Inc. on behalf of the Chemung County Department of Public Works (deicing salt)

By:  Strange


Seconded by:  Sweet


            WHEREAS, the Commissioner of the Chemung County Department of Public Works has requested authorization to enter into an agreement with Cargill, Inc. for the provision of 8,000 tons of deicing salt, Contract PC68230, New York State Office of Government Services Award Number 23134, during the period January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2021 for an amount not to exceed $456,000; and


            WHEREAS, the County Executive and the Highway Committee have recommended that the Chemung County Legislature approve this request; now, therefore, be it


            RESOLVED,  that the County Executive is hereby authorized and directed to execute a Purchase Agreement with Cargill, Inc., subject to the review and approval of the County Attorney,  for 8,000 tons of deicing salt in the amount of $456,000 during the period January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2021; and, be it further


            RESOLVED, that the purchase agreement shall not be renewed, the initial term thereof extended or the agreement amended without express consent by Resolution of this Legislature.


Ayes:  Pastrick, Sweet, Brennan, Margeson, Hyland, Sonsire, Woodard, Burin, Briggs, McCarthy, Drake, Smith, Strange, Manchester (Chairman) (14); Opposed:  None (0); Excused: Chalk (1)


21-090Resolution authorizing purchase agreement with NEO Chemicals & Oxides on behalf of Chemung County Elmira Sewer District (WaterFX 300 for phosphorus removal)


By:  Woodard


Seconded by:  Sweet


            WHEREAS, the Interim Executive Director of the Chemung County Elmira Sewer District has requested authorization to enter into a purchase agreement with NEO Chemicals & Oxides, LLC (“NEO”) a sole source provider of WaterFX 300, a proprietary compound of chemicals used in wastewater treatment and purification applications, for phosphorus removal at the Milton Street Wastewater Treatment Plant; and


             WHEREAS, the Director of Purchasing has reviewed and approved this sole source vendor purchase; and


            WHEREAS, the County Executive and the Multi-Services Committee have recommended that the Chemung County Legislature approve this request; now, therefore, be it


            RESOLVED, that the County Executive is hereby authorized and directed to enter into a purchase agreement with NEO, the sole source vendor of WaterFX 300, a proprietary compound of chemicals used in wastewater treatment and purification applications at an estimated amount of $130,000; and, be it further


            RESOLVED, that the terms and conditions of the purchase agreement shall be subject to the review and approval of the County Attorney; and, be it further


            RESOLVED, that the purchase agreement shall not be renewed, the initial term thereof extended or the agreement amended without express consent by Resolution of this Legislature.


Ayes:  Pastrick, Sweet, Brennan, Margeson, Hyland, Sonsire, Woodard, Burin, Briggs, McCarthy, Drake, Smith, Strange, Manchester (Chairman) (14); Opposed:  None (0); Excused: Chalk (1)

21-091Resolution designating Envirosolutions, LLC as a sole source provider of Original Equipment Manufacturer parts for Flowserve pump and authorizing purchase agreement with Envirolsolutions, LLC on behalf of the Chemung County Sewer District No. (raw sewage pump replacement parts - Lake Street WWTP)

By: Woodard


Seconded by:  Sweet


            WHEREAS, the raw sewage pump at the Lake Street Wastewater Treatment Plant (“WWTP”) are critical equipment for bringing wastewater into the WWTP and failure of the pump during a high-flow period would result in the inability of the remaining pumps to keep up with the influent volume which could lead to overflow to the river; and 


            WHEREAS, Original Equipment Manufacturer (“OEM”) parts are required for repair and replacement for the raw sewage pump to keep the WWTP operational throughout the year;


            WHEREAS, the OEM parts are manufactured by Flowserve, which has an agreement with Envirosolutions, LLC appointing that concern as the sole authorized dealer for OEM Flowserve parts for a designated territory that includes Chemung County; and


            WHEREAS, the County of Chemung is unable to acquire OEM parts for Flowserve pumps from any other vendor; and


            WHEREAS, the County Executive, the County Attorney, the Purchasing Director, and the Multi-Services Committee all recommend the designation of Enviroslutions, LLC  as a sole source provider of OEM parts for Flowserve pumps; and


            WHEREAS,  the Interim Executive Director of the Chemung County Sewer Districts has requested authorization to enter into a purchase agreement with Envirosolutions, LLC for raw sewage pump repair parts in the amount of $30,733; and


            WHEREAS, the County Executive and the Multi-Services Committee have recommended that the Chemung County Legislature approve this request; now, therefore, be it


            RESOLVED, that the Chemung County Legislature does hereby find that Envirosolutions, LLC  is a sole source provider to the County of Chemung for OEM parts for Flowserve pumps; and, be it further


            RESOLVED, that the Chemung County Legislature does hereby authorize the acquisition by the Chemung County Sewer Districts from Envirosolutions, LLC OEM repair and replacement parts for Flowserve pumps,  in accordance with the Chemung County Purchasing Policy and Procedures; and, be it further


             RESOLVED, that the County Executive is hereby authorized and directed to enter into a purchase agreement, subject to the review and approval of the County Attorney, with Envirosolutions, LLC for raw sewage pump OEM parts in the amount of $30,733; and, be it further


            RESOLVED, that the purchase agreement shall not be renewed, the initial term thereof extended or the agreement amended without express consent by Resolution of this Legislature.


Ayes:  Pastrick, Sweet, Brennan, Margeson, Hyland, Sonsire, Woodard, Burin, Briggs, McCarthy, Drake, Smith, Strange, Manchester (Chairman) (14); Opposed:  None (0); Excused: Chalk (1)


21-092Resolution awarding bid to  Economy Paving Co. on behalf of the Chemung County Department of Public Works (PIN 6754.88) (Rehabilitation of the CR08 Bridge - Lowman Crossover)

By:  Strange


Seconded by:  Sweet


         WHEREAS, sealed bids, pursuant to RFB-2160-R, were received and opened on December 3, 2020 for Rehabilitation of the CR08 Bridge – Lowman Crossover (the “Project”); and


         WHEREAS, Fisher Associates, the contractor for the Project, have reviewed the bid specifications, and the various bids submitted  and have recommended the bid be awarded to Economy Paving Co., the lowest responsible bidder meeting all bid specifications for the Project; and


         WHEREAS, the County Executive and the Highway Committee have reviewed the bid specifications, the various bids submitted, and the recommendation Fisher Associates and they recommend the Chemung County Legislature award the bid to Economy Paving Co. (“Economy”), the lowest responsible bidder meeting all bid specifications; now, therefore, be it


         RESOLVED, that the Chemung County Legislature does hereby find that Economy is the lowest responsible bidder meeting all bid specifications for the Project; and, be it further


         RESOLVED, that the County Executive is hereby authorized and directed to enter into an agreement with Economy for the Project at a cost not to exceed $3,274,046.20 (80%  Federal share, 20% State share) as more specifically set forth in the bid submitted by Economy; and, be it further


         RESOLVED, that the terms and conditions of the agreement between the County of Chemung and Economy shall be subject to the review and approval of the County Attorney; and, be it further


         RESOLVED, that the agreement shall not be renewed, the initial term thereof extended, or the agreement amended without express consent by Resolution of this Legislature.


Ayes:  Pastrick, Sweet, Brennan, Margeson, Hyland, Sonsire, Woodard, Burin, Briggs, McCarthy, Drake, Smith, Strange, Manchester (Chairman) (14); Opposed:  None (0); Excused: Chalk (1)



21-093Resolution re-creating Director of Personnel/Labor Relations position and confirming appointment of Joycelyn L. Bermingham as the Chemung County Director of Personnel/Labor Relations

By:  Manchester


Seconded by:  Drake


            WHEREAS, the County Executive has requested the re-creation of the Director of Personnel/Labor Relations position, Single Rate, Grade 11 at an annual salary of $111,939, due to the retirement of an employee; and


            WHEREAS, the County Executive has filed with the Clerk of the Legislature the appointment, pursuant to Article XV, Section 1501 of the Chemung County Charter of Joycelyn L. Bermingham to the position of Chemung County Director of Personnel/Labor Relations (Single Rate Grade 11, $111,939 annual salary); and,


            WHEREAS, the Personnel Committee has recommended that the Chemung County Legislature approve this request; now, therefore, be it


            RESOLVED, that the Director of Personnel/Labor Relations position be and hereby is re-created, effective January 1, 2021; and, be it further


            RESOLVED, that the Chemung County Legislature does hereby confirm the appointment by the County Executive of Joycelyn L. Bermingham to the position of Chemung County Director of Personnel/Labor Relations to serve at the pleasure of the County Executive; and, be it further


            RESOLVED, that the Chemung County Director of Personnel/Labor Relations shall receive an annual salary of $111,939 (Single Rage Grade 11).


Ayes:  Pastrick, Sweet, Brennan, Margeson, Hyland, Sonsire, Woodard, Burin, Briggs, McCarthy, Drake, Smith, Strange, Manchester (Chairman) (14); Opposed:  None (0); Excused: Chalk (1)


21-094Resolution holding in abeyance accrued sick leave benefits (Forrest)

By:  Manchester


Seconded by:  Drake


            WHEREAS, Pursuant to Resolution 81-066 and by its extension, sections 5.08 and 6.02 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the County of Chemung and the Civil Service Employees Association, 25% of accrued health insurance/sick leave benefits of appointed employees (limited to 200 days or 1,600 hours) may be held in abeyance and applied toward future retiree health insurance premiums; and


            WHEREAS, as of January 1, 2021, Linda Forrest went from full-time appointed employment status to elected status; and


            WHEREAS, the County Executive has recommended 25% of  accrued health insurance/sick leave escrow benefits gained through previous full-time appointed employment, capped at a maximum of 1600 hours,  be held in abeyance until such time as Mrs. Forrest separates from service with Chemung County; and


            WHEREAS, the Personnel Committee have recommended that the Chemung County Legislature approve the County Executive’s recommendation; now, therefore, be it


            RESOLVED, that 25% of accrued health insurance/sick leave benefits gained through previous employment be held in abeyance for Linda Forrest ($6,927.85) until such time as she separates from active service with Chemung County, at which time they may use such escrow toward retiree health insurance premiums, assuming she qualifies and enrolls in retiree health insurance. 


  Ayes:  Pastrick, Sweet, Brennan, Margeson, Hyland, Sonsire, Woodard, Burin, Briggs, McCarthy, Drake, Smith, Strange, Manchester (Chairman) (14); Opposed:  None (0); Excused: Chalk (1)


21-095Resolution authorizing increase in salary for Supervisor of Fiscal Services on behalf of the Chemung County Health Department

By:  Manchester


Seconded by:  Drake


            WHEREAS, the Chemung County Director of Public Health (“CCHD”) has requested that the salary of the Supervisor of Fiscal Services be increased by $7,147 due to increased workload and responsibilities associated with response planning and financial reimbursement as the CCHD responds to the COVID-19 pandemic; and


             WHEREAS, the County Executive and the Personnel Committee have recommended that the Chemung County Legislature approve this request; now, therefore, be it


             RESOLVED, that effective February 9, 2021 the salary for the Supervisor of Fiscal Services for the Chemung County Health Department be and hereby is increased by $7,147; and, be it further


             RESOLVED, that per Resolution 20-467 the employee is not eligible for a Cost of Living Raise (“COLA”) until the anniversary date of the salary increase above, if any is approved for Single Rate employees in the 2022 Chemung County budget; and, be it further


            RESOLVED, that said salary is to be paid as to any other County employee.


Ayes:  Pastrick, Margeson, Woodard, Burin, Briggs, McCarthy, Strange, Manchester (Chairman) (8); Opposed: Sweet, Brennan, Hyland, Sonsire, Drake, Smith (6); Excused: Chalk (1)

21-096Resolution re-creating Communications Operator position on behalf of the Office of Fire & Emergency Management

By:  Manchester


Seconded by:  Drake


         WHEREAS, the County 911 Communications Center Coordinator (the “Coordinator”), on behalf of the Chemung County Office of Fire and Emergency Management has requested the re-creation of a full-time Communication Operator position, Grade 3, $18.9375 per hour, due to the promotion of an employee; and


         WHEREAS, the County Executive and the Personnel Committee have recommended that the Chemung County Legislature approve the Coordinator’s request; now, therefore, be it


         RESOLVED, that one full-time Communication Operator position be and the same hereby is re-created for the Chemung County Office of Fire and Emergency Management effective February 9, 2021; and, be it further


         RESOLVED, that the Coordinator is hereby authorized and directed to fill one full-time Communication Operator position, Grade 3, $18.9375 per hour;  and, be it further


         RESOLVED, that the aforementioned position is to be filled subject to Civil Service requirements, and said wages are to be paid as to any other County Employee.


Ayes:  Pastrick, Sweet, Brennan, Margeson, Hyland, Sonsire, Woodard, Burin, Briggs, McCarthy, Drake, Smith, Strange, Manchester (Chairman) (14); Opposed:  None (0); Excused: Chalk (1)


21-097Resolution re-creating positions as contained in the Staffing Plan for the Chemung County Health Department (Home Health Agency)

By:  Manchester


Seconded by:  Drake


            WHEREAS, Resolution No. 91-379 determined that there shall be no additional hiring of personnel by the County of Chemung in accordance with existing Staffing Plans without the prior consent by resolution of the Chemung County Legislature; and

             WHEREAS, the Director of the Chemung County Health Department (the “Director”) has requested the re-creation of one (1) full-time Registered Nurse position and one (1) Licensed Practical Nurse due to the promotion of an employee and to better meet the needs of the Department (Certified Home Health Agency; and

             WHEREAS, the aforementioned positions are contained within the Staffing Plan for the Chemung County Health Department (Home Health Agency); and

            WHEREAS, the County Executive and the Personnel Committee have recommended that the Chemung County Legislature approve this request; now therefore be it

            RESOLVED, that the following positions be and the same are hereby re-created effective February 9, 2021:


 POSITION                                         SALARY/WAGE                         REIMBURSEMENT

(1) Registered Nurse                            $27.20-$28.45/hr.                                  90%

(1) Licensed Practical Nurse               $17.77-$21.50/hr.                                   90%

 and, be it further

             RESOLVED, that the Director be and he hereby is authorized and directed to fill the aforementioned positions at the title and within the wage rates indicated; and, be it further

             RESOLVED, that the aforementioned positions are to be filled subject to Civil Service requirements and said wages are to be paid as to any other County employee; and, be it further

             RESOLVED, that in the event the County does not receive the full amount of the Federal and/or State reimbursement funding referred to in this Resolution the positions authorized by this Resolution shall automatically terminate without further action by this Legislature.


Ayes:  Pastrick, Sweet, Brennan, Margeson, Hyland, Sonsire, Woodard, Burin, Briggs, McCarthy, Drake, Smith, Strange, Manchester (Chairman) (14); Opposed:  None (0); Excused: Chalk (1)


Resolution re-creating positions as contained in the Staffing Plan for the Chemung County Nursing Facility

By:  Manchester


Seconded by:  Drake


         WHEREAS, Resolution No. 91-379 determined that there shall be no additional hiring of personnel by the County of Chemung in accordance with existing Staffing Plans without the prior consent by resolution of the Chemung County Legislature; and

         WHEREAS, the Acting Administrator of the Chemung County Nursing Facility has requested the re-creation of six (6) full-time Certified Nurse Aide positions, four (4) full-time Licensed Practical Nurse positions, one (1) full-time Housekeeping Cleaner position, and one (1) Maintenance Worker position due to retirements and resignations of employees; and

         WHEREAS, the aforementioned positions are contained within the Staffing Plan for the Chemung County Nursing Facility; and

         WHEREAS, the County Executive and the Personnel Committee have recommended that the Chemung County Legislature approve this request; now therefore be it

         RESOLVED, that the following positions be and the same are hereby re-created effective February 9, 2021:


 POSITION                                         SALARY/WAGE                         REIMBURSEMENT

(6) Certified Nurse Aides       CSEA Grade 2A/$13.49-$16.28/hr.                     90%

(4) Licensed Practical Nurses CSEA Grade 5A/$17.77-$21.50/hr.                    90%

(1) Housekeeping Cleaner      CSEA Grade 1A/$12.53-$14.04/hr.                     90%

(1) Maintenance Worker         CSEA Grade 6/$17.22-$18.75/hr.                        90%

 and, be it further

         RESOLVED, that the Acting Administrator be and he hereby is authorized and directed to fill the aforementioned positions at the title and within the wage rates indicated; and, be it further

         RESOLVED, that the aforementioned positions are to be filled subject to Civil Service requirements and said wages are to be paid as to any other County employee; and, be it further

         RESOLVED, that in the event the County does not receive the full amount of the Federal and/or State reimbursement funding referred to in this Resolution the positions authorized by this Resolution shall automatically terminate without further action by this Legislature.


Ayes:  Pastrick, Sweet, Brennan, Margeson, Hyland, Sonsire, Woodard, Burin, Briggs, McCarthy, Drake, Smith, Strange, Manchester (Chairman) (14); Opposed:  None (0); Excused: Chalk (1)

21-099Resolution re-creating Youth Program Coordinator position on behalf of the Chemung County Department of Youth and Recreational Services

By:  Manchester


Seconded by:  Drake


         WHEREAS, the Director of the Chemung Department of Youth and Recreational Services (the “Director”) has requested the re-creation of a full-time Youth Program Coordinator  position, CSEA B-2 (entry) Grade 11, $21.34 per hour (80% NYS reimbursement), due to the retirement of an employee; and


         WHEREAS, the County Executive and the Personnel Committee have recommended that the Chemung County Legislature approve the Director’s request; now, therefore, be it


         RESOLVED, that one full-time Youth Program Coordinator position be and the same hereby is re-created for the Chemung County Department of Youth and Recreational Services effective February 9, 2021; and, be it further


         RESOLVED, that the Director is hereby authorized and directed to fill one full-time Youth Program Coordinator position, CSEA B-2 (entry) Grade 11, $21.34 per hour (80% NYS reimbursement);  and, be it further


         RESOLVED, that the aforementioned position is to be filled subject to Civil Service requirements, and said wages are to be paid as to any other County Employee; and, be it further


         RESOLVED, that in the event the County does not receive the full amount of the State reimbursement funding referred to in this Resolution the positions authorized by this Resolution shall automatically terminate without further action by this Legislature.


Ayes:  Pastrick, Sweet, Brennan, Margeson, Hyland, Sonsire, Woodard, Burin, Briggs, McCarthy, Drake, Smith, Strange, Manchester (Chairman) (14); Opposed:  None (0); Excused: Chalk (1)

21-100Resolution re-creating Deputy Election Commissioner on behalf of the Chemung County Board of Elections

By:  Manchester


Seconded by:  Drake


         WHEREAS, the Republican Election Commissioner (the “Commissioner”) has requested the re-creation of a full-time Deputy Election Commissioner position, Single Rate Grade 3, $38,044 - $59,045 annual salary, due to the resignation of an employee; and


         WHEREAS, the County Executive and the Personnel Committee have recommended that the Chemung County Legislature approve the Commissioner’s request; now, therefore, be it


         RESOLVED, that one full-time Deputy Election Commissioner position be and the same hereby is re-created for the Chemung County Board of Elections,  effective February 9, 2021; and, be it further


         RESOLVED, that the Commissioner is hereby authorized and directed to fill one full-time Deputy Election Commissioner position Single Rate Grade 3, $38,044 - $59,045 annual salary;  and, be it further


         RESOLVED, that the aforementioned position is to be filled subject to Civil Service requirements, and said wages are to be paid as to any other County Employee; and, be it further


Ayes:  Pastrick, Sweet, Brennan, Margeson, Hyland, Sonsire, Woodard, Burin, Briggs, McCarthy, Drake, Smith, Strange, Manchester (Chairman) (14); Opposed:  None (0); Excused: Chalk (1)



Resolution amending the Staffing Plan for the Chemung County Health Department (abolish full-time Registered Nurse, create full-time Public Health Nurse)

By:  Manchester


Seconded by:  Drake


         WHEREAS, Resolution No. 91-379 determined that there shall be no additional hiring of personnel by the County of Chemung in accordance with existing Staffing Plans without the prior consent by resolution of the Chemung County Legislature; and



         WHEREAS, the Chemung County Director of Public Health (the “Director”) has requested the amendment of the Staffing Plan for the Chemung County Department of Health to better meet the needs of the Department; and



         WHEREAS, the Director has recommended the abolishment of one full-time Registered Nurse position and the creation of one full-time Public Health Nurse position; and



         WHEREAS, the County Executive and the Personnel Committee have recommended the Chemung County Legislature approve the request of the Director; now, therefore, be it



         RESOLVED, that one full-time Registered Nurse position be and the same is hereby abolished; and, be it further



         RESOLVED, that the following full-time position be and the same is hereby created:




 POSITION                                          SALARY/WAGE                      REIMBURSEMENT


(1) Public Health Nurse                       $29.82-$41.06/hr.                                     90%


and, be it further



         RESOLVED, that the Director be and he hereby is authorized and directed to fill the aforementioned position at the title and within the wage rate indicated; and, be it further



         RESOLVED, that the aforementioned position is to be filled subject to Civil Service requirements and said wage is to be paid as to any other County employee; and, be it further



         RESOLVED, that in the event the County does not receive the full amount of the Federal and/or State reimbursement funding referred to in this Resolution the position authorized by this Resolution shall automatically terminate without further action by this Legislature.


Ayes:  Pastrick, Sweet, Brennan, Margeson, Hyland, Sonsire, Woodard, Burin, Briggs, McCarthy, Drake, Smith, Strange, Manchester (Chairman) (14); Opposed:  None (0); Excused: Chalk (1)

21-102Resolution amending the Staffing Plan for the Chemung County Nursing Facility (abolish Maintenance Supervisor, create Lead Maintenance Worker II) 

By:  Manchester


Seconded by:  Drake


         WHEREAS, Resolution No. 91-379 determined that there shall be no additional hiring of personnel by the County of Chemung in accordance with existing Staffing Plans without the prior consent by resolution of the Chemung County Legislature; and


         WHEREAS, the Acting Administrator (the “Administrator”) of the Chemung County Nursing Facility (“CCNF”) has requested the amendment of the Staffing Plan for the CCNF due to the retirement of an employee and to better meet the needs of the CCNF; and


         WHEREAS, the Administrator has recommended the abolishment of one full-time Maintenance Supervisor position and the creation of one full-time Lead Maintenance Worker II position; and


         WHEREAS, the County Executive and the Personnel Committee have recommended the Chemung County Legislature approve the request of the Administrator; now, therefore, be it


         RESOLVED, that one full-time Maintenance Supervisor position be and the same is hereby abolished; and, be it further


         RESOLVED, that the following full-time position be and the same is hereby created:




 POSITION                                          SALARY/WAGE                      REIMBURSEMENT


(1) Lead Maintenance Worker II     CSEA-A/Grade 7/$16.40-$30.56/hr.            90%


and, be it further


         RESOLVED, that the Administrator be and he hereby is authorized and directed to fill the aforementioned position at the title and within the wage rate indicated; and, be it further


         RESOLVED, that the aforementioned position is to be filled subject to Civil Service requirements and said wage is to be paid as to any other County employee; and, be it further


         RESOLVED, that in the event the County does not receive the full amount of the Federal and/or State reimbursement funding referred to in this Resolution the position authorized by this Resolution shall automatically terminate without further action by this Legislature.


Ayes:  Pastrick, Sweet, Brennan, Margeson, Hyland, Sonsire, Woodard, Burin, Briggs, McCarthy, Drake, Smith, Strange, Manchester (Chairman) (14); Opposed:  None (0); Excused: Chalk (1)



21-103Resolution amending the Staffing Plan for the Chemung County Health Department (create Deputy Public Health Director position)

By:  Manchester


Seconded by:  Drake


         WHEREAS, Resolution No. 91-379 determined that there shall be no additional hiring of personnel by the County of Chemung in accordance with existing Staffing Plans without the prior consent by resolution of the Chemung County Legislature; and


         WHEREAS, the Chemung County Director of Public Health (the “Director”) has requested the amendment of the Staffing Plan for the Chemung County Department of Health to better meet the needs of the Department; and


         WHEREAS, the Director has recommended the creation of a full-time Deputy Public Health Director position as approved by the Regional Civil Service Commission on January 5, 2021; and


         WHEREAS, the County Executive and the Personnel Committee have recommended the Chemung County Legislature approve the request of the Director; now, therefore, be it


         RESOLVED, that the following full-time position be and the same is hereby created:




 POSITION                                          SALARY/WAGE                      REIMBURSEMENT


Deputy Public Health Director     SR Grade 8/$62,853-$97,543                      45%                    


and, be it further


         RESOLVED, that the Director be and he hereby is authorized and directed to fill the aforementioned position at the title and within the wage rate indicated; and, be it further


         RESOLVED, that the aforementioned position is to be filled subject to Civil Service requirements and said wage is to be paid as to any other County employee; and, be it further


         RESOLVED, that in the event the County does not receive the full amount of the Federal and/or State reimbursement funding referred to in this Resolution the position authorized by this Resolution shall automatically terminate without further action by this Legislature.


Ayes:  Pastrick, Brennan, Margeson, Hyland, Woodard, Burin, Briggs, McCarthy, Drake, Strange, Manchester (Chairman) (11); Opposed:  Sweet, Sonsire, Smith (3); Excused: Chalk (1)



21-104Resolution amending the Staffing Plan for the Chemung County Health Department (create Program Assistant position)

By:  Manchester


Seconded by:  Drake


        WHEREAS, Resolution No. 91-379 determined that there shall be no additional hiring of personnel by the County of Chemung in accordance with existing Staffing Plans without the prior consent by resolution of the Chemung County Legislature; and


         WHEREAS, the Chemung County Director of Public Health (the “Director”) has requested the amendment of the Staffing Plan for the Chemung County Department of Health to better meet the needs of the Department; and


         WHEREAS, the Director has recommended the creation of a full-time Program Assistant position as approved by the Regional Civil Service Commission on August 8, 2020; and


         WHEREAS, the County Executive and the Personnel Committee have recommended the Chemung County Legislature approve the request of the Director; now, therefore, be it


         RESOLVED, that the following full-time position be and the same is hereby created:




 POSITION                                          SALARY/WAGE                      REIMBURSEMENT


Program Assistant               CSEA-B/Grade 9/$18.29-$32.35/hr.                    45%


and, be it further


         RESOLVED, that the Director be and he hereby is authorized and directed to fill the aforementioned position at the title and within the wage rate indicated; and, be it further


         RESOLVED, that the aforementioned position is to be filled subject to Civil Service requirements and said wage is to be paid as to any other County employee; and, be it further


         RESOLVED, that in the event the County does not receive the full amount of the Federal and/or State reimbursement funding referred to in this Resolution the position authorized by this Resolution shall automatically terminate without further action by this Legislature.


Ayes:  Pastrick, Brennan, Margeson, Hyland, Woodard, Burin, Briggs, McCarthy, Drake, Strange, Manchester (Chairman) (11); Opposed:  Sweet, Sonsire, Smith (3); Excused: Chalk (1)


Resolution creating part-time Director of Human Relations position on behalf of the County Executive 

By: Manchester


Seconded by:  Drake


         WHEREAS, the Chemung County Executive has requested the creation of a part-time Director of Human Relations position at an annual salary of $30,000; and


         WHEREAS,  the part-time Director of Human Relations position was approved by the Regional Civil Service Commission on December 1, 2020; and


         WHEREAS, the Personnel Committee has recommended that the Chemung County Legislature approve this request; now, therefore, be it


         RESOLVED, that one part-time Director of Human Relations position be and the same hereby is created effective February 9, 2021, temporary pending jurisdictional approval from the New York State Department of Civil Service and upon such approval shall become permanent without further action of this Legislature; and, be it further


         RESOLVED, that the County Executive is hereby authorized and directed to fill one part-time Director of Human Relations position at an annual salary of $30,000; and, be it further


         RESOLVED, that the Director of Human Relations will report directly to the Chemung County Executive; and be it further


         RESOLVED, that the aforementioned position is to be filled subject to the Civil Service requirements, and said wage to be paid as to any other County Employee.


Ayes:  Pastrick, Sweet, Brennan, Margeson, Hyland, Sonsire, Woodard, Burin, Briggs, McCarthy, Drake, Smith, Strange, Manchester (Chairman) (14); Opposed:  None (0); Excused: Chalk (1)

21-106Resolution creating full-time Human Relations Specialist position on behalf of the County Executive

By: Manchester


Seconded by:  Drake


         WHEREAS, the Chemung County Executive has requested the creation of a full-time Human Relations Specialist position, Single Rate Grade 4, $41,000 annual salary; and


         WHEREAS, the full-time Human Relations Specialist position was approved by the Regional Civil Service Commission on December 1, 2020; and


         WHEREAS, the Personnel Committee has recommended that the Chemung County Legislature approve this request; now, therefore, be it


         RESOLVED, that one full-time Human Relations Specialist position be and the same hereby is created effective February 9, 2021, temporary pending jurisdictional approval from the New York State Department of Civil Service and upon such approval shall become permanent without further action by this Legislature; and, be it further


         RESOLVED, that the County Executive is hereby authorized and directed to fill one full-time Human Relations Specialist position, Single Rate Grade 4, $41,000 annual salary; and, be it further


         RESOLVED, that the Human Relations Specialist will report directly to the Director of Human Relations; and be it further


         RESOLVED, that the aforementioned position is to be filled subject to the Civil Service requirements, and said wage to be paid as to any other County Employee.


Ayes:  Pastrick, Sweet, Brennan, Margeson, Hyland, Sonsire, Woodard, Burin, Briggs, McCarthy, Drake, Smith, Strange, Manchester (Chairman) (14); Opposed:  None (0); Excused: Chalk (1)



Resolution creating three per diem Laborer positions on behalf of the Chemung County Department of Public Works 

By:  Manchester


Seconded by:  Drake


         WHEREAS, the Chemung County Commissioner of Public Works (the “Commissioner”), has requested the creation three per diem Laborer positions, Grade 3, $13.37-$14.56 per hour,  to assist with snow and ice control as needed to clear park and ride lots, trails, etc. (these employees will drive plow trucks that do not require CDL operators); and


         WHEREAS, the County Executive and the Personnel Committee have recommended that the Chemung County Legislature approve this request; now, therefore, be it


         RESOLVED, that three per diem Laborer positions be and the same hereby are created for the Chemung County Department of Public Works effective February 9, 2021 for the purpose of assisting with snow and ice control as needed to clear park and ride lots, trails, etc;  and, be it further


         RESOLVED, that the Commissioner is hereby authorized and directed to fill three per diem Laborer positions, Grade 3, $13.37-$14.56 per hour as more particularly described above;  and, be it further


         RESOLVED, that the aforementioned positions are to be filled subject to Civil Service requirements, and said salaries are to be paid as to any other County Employee; and, be it further


 Ayes:  Pastrick, Sweet, Brennan, Margeson, Hyland, Sonsire, Woodard, Burin, Briggs, McCarthy, Drake, Smith, Strange, Manchester (Chairman) (14); Opposed:  None (0); Excused: Chalk (1)


21-108Resolution creating ten temporary Registered Nurse (or License Practical Nurse) positions and two temporary Security Deputy positions on behalf of the Chemung County Health Department (facilitation of Covid-19 vaccine inoculations)

By:  Manchester


Seconded by:  Drake


         WHEREAS, the Chemung County Executive, on behalf of the Chemung County Health Department, has requested the creation of ten temporary (not to exceed six months) full-time Registered Nurse positions, $28.02-$29.30 per hour (or Licensed Practical Nurse, $17.95 per hour) (“LPN”) (100% reimbursement), and two temporary (not to exceed six months) full-time Security Deputy positions, $17.59 per hour (100% reimbursement), to assist with the facilitation of COVID-19 vaccine inoculations; and


         WHEREAS, the Personnel Committee have recommended that the Chemung County Legislature approve this request; now, therefore, be it


         RESOLVED, that ten temporary full-time Registered Nurse (or LPN) positions be and the same hereby are created for the Chemung County Health Department effective February 9, 2021 for the purpose of assisting with the facilitation of COVID-19 vaccine inoculations;  and, be it further


         RESOLVED, that two temporary full-time Security Deputy positions be and the same hereby are created for the Chemung County Health Department effective February 9, 2021 for the purpose of assisting with the facilitation of COVID-19 vaccine inoculations;  and, be it further


         RESOLVED, that the Chemung County Director of Health is hereby authorized and directed to fill ten temporary full-time Registered Nurse (or LPN) positions as more particularly described above;  and, be it further


         RESOLVED, that the Chemung County Director of Health is hereby authorized and directed to fill two temporary full-time Security Deputy positions as more particularly described above;  and, be it further


         RESOLVED, that the aforementioned positions are to be filled subject to Civil Service requirements, and said salaries are to be paid as to any other County Employee; and, be it further


         RESOLVED, that upon termination or reduction of the reimbursement funding for the positions authorized by this resolution the positions shall automatically terminate without further action by this Legislature.


Ayes:  Pastrick, Sweet, Brennan, Margeson, Hyland, Sonsire, Woodard, Burin, Briggs, McCarthy, Drake, Smith, Strange, Manchester (Chairman) (14); Opposed:  None (0); Excused: Chalk (1)

21-109Resolution adopting an amended Single Rate Compensation Plan for Single Rate Employees (Amendment No. 56) (2021 Single Rate Salary Schedule)

By:  Manchester


Seconded by:  Drake


         WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 01-350 the Chemung County Legislature adopted the Chemung County Wage and Salary Administration Program (the “Program”) for Single Rate employees as prepared and recommended by Public Sector HR Consultants, LLC (formerly AMTEK Management Services Corporation) (“Public Sector”); and


         WHEREAS, the Personnel Director has recommended that the Program be amended to increase the ranges in the Single Rate Compensation Plan (the “Plan”) for 2021; and


         WHEREAS, the County Executive and the Personnel Committee have reviewed the change to the Plan as submitted by the Personnel Director and have recommended that the Chemung County Legislature amend the Program to include the changes; now, therefore, be it


         RESOLVED, that the Chemung County Legislature hereby amends Resolution No. 01-350 and the Program adopted pursuant thereto to include the aforementioned revisions to the Plan with such revised Plan incorporated by reference as if fully set forth at length herein; and, be it further


         RESOLVED, that all other provisions of the Chemung County Wage and Salary Administration Program for Single Rate employees as established by Resolution No. 01-350 and amended by Resolution adopted by this Legislature shall remain in full force and effect.


Ayes:  Pastrick, Sweet, Brennan, Margeson, Hyland, Sonsire, Woodard, Burin, Briggs, McCarthy, Drake, Smith, Strange, Manchester (Chairman) (14); Opposed:  None (0); Excused: Chalk (1)




Resolution calling for a public hearing for the purpose of considering proposed improvements for Chemung County Sewer District No. 1 (County Route 64 Pump Station Rehabilitation Project)

By:  Woodard


Seconded by:  Sweet


            WHEREAS, it is proposed that the County undertake improvements on behalf of Sewer District No. 1, consisting of the CR64 Pump Station Improvement Project; and


            WHEREAS, such improvements have a total maximum estimated cost of $400,000; and


            WHEREAS, it is now desired to call a public hearing thereon; now therefore, BE IT


            RESOLVED, by the County Legislature of the County of Chemung, New York, as follows:


            Section 1.        A meeting of the County Legislature, the County of Chemung, New York, to be held at the John H. Hazlett Office Wall, in Elmira, New York, in said County, on the 1st day of March, 2021, at 6:55 o’clock P.M., prevailing time, for the purpose of conducting a Public Hearing upon the aforesaid matter. The Clerk of said County Legislature is hereby authorized and directed to cause a notice of such public hearing to be published and posted in the manner provided by law.


            Section 2.        The Clerk of the Legislature is hereby authorized and directed to cause a copy of the Notice of Public Hearing hereinafter provided to be published once in the official newspaper not less than ten, nor more than twenty days before the date designated for the hearing.


            Section 3.        The notice of public hearing shall be in substantially the following form:


            Section 4.        This resolution takes effect immediately




AYES:             14


NAYS:              0


EXCUSED:      1


This resolution was thereupon declared duly adopted.


Resolution making a Determination of no Significant Adverse Environmental Impacts associated with the County Route 64 Pump Station Rehabilitation Project pursuant to 6 NYCRR Part 617

By:  Woodard


Seconded by:  Smith


            WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 21-052 adopted January 11, 2021, the Chemung County Legislature classified as an Unlisted Action, under the provisions of 6NYCRR Part 617, the County Route 64 Pump Station Rehabilitation Project located in the Town of Big Flats, New York (the “Action”); and


            WHEREAS, Resolution No. 21-052 declared the intent of the Chemung County Legislature to act as Lead Agency for the purposes of conducting a review of the Action under the State Environmental Quality Review Act (“SEQRA”); and


            WHEREAS, a Short Environmental Assessment Form (“EAF”) submitted to and reviewed by the Chemung County Legislature identified Involved and Interested Agencies under SEQRA; and


            WHEREAS, pursuant to 6NYCRR Part 617.6, the Clerk of the Legislature forwarded the EAF with a letter to the Involved and Interested Agencies on January 12, 2021, advising these agencies of the Legislature’s intention to serve as the Lead Agency for review of the proposed Action; and


            WHEREAS, no Agency has objected to the designation of the Chemung County Legislature as the Lead Agency for this Action; and


            WHEREAS, the Chemung County Legislature has reviewed the criteria for determining significance specified in 6NYCRR Part 617.7 in order to ascertain whether the proposed Action will result in any significant adverse environmental impacts; and


            WHEREAS, the Multi-Services Committee of the Chemung County Legislature has weighed the relevant identified environmental impacts of the proposed Action and all facts and conclusions presented in the Short EAF, and concludes that the proposed Action will produce no significant adverse environmental impacts; and has therefore recommended that a Notice of Determination of No Significant Impact (“DONSI”) be adopted; now therefore, be it


            RESOLVED, that the Chemung County Legislature, as the designated Lead Agency for the environmental review of the proposed Action does hereby adopt this Notice of DONSI for the proposed Action; and be it further


            RESOLVED, that the Chairman of the Chemung County Legislature is hereby authorized and empowered to complete and sign the EAF for the proposed Action in accordance with the intent of this Resolution; and be it further


            RESOLVED, that the Notice of DONSI which is attached hereto be submitted for publication by the Clerk of the Legislature as provided in 6NYCRR Part 617.12; and be it further


            RESOLVED, that the Clerk of the Chemung County Legislature shall and she hereby is directed to forward copies of this Resolution and the Notice of DONSI to all Interested and Involved Agencies identified in Resolution 21-052: NYSDEC Region 8, Corning Inc., Town of Big Flats; and, be it further


            RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be filed with each of the following Chemung County officials:  County Executive, Planning Commissioner, Interim Executive Director of the Chemung County Sewer Districts, Public Works Commissioner, and that the full SEQR record be filed in the Office of the Clerk of the Legislature.


Ayes:  Pastrick, Sweet, Brennan, Margeson, Hyland, Sonsire, Woodard, Burin, Briggs, McCarthy, Drake, Smith, Strange, Manchester (Chairman) (14); Opposed:  None (0); Excused: Chalk (1)



21-112 Resolution and Notice of Determination of Non-Significance relative to Chemung County Sewer District No. 1 and Chemung County Elmira Sewer District 2021 Capital Projects pursuant to 6 NYCRR Part 617  

By:  Woodard


Seconded by:  Smith


         WHEREAS, 6NYCRR Part 617 (Title 6 of the New York Code of Rules and Regulations) under the State Environmental Quality Review Act provides that certain actions identified in subdivision (c) of that section are not subject to environmental review under the Environmental Conservation Law; now, therefore, be it


         RESOLVED, that the Chemung County Legislature hereby determines that the following proposed projects are Type II actions in accordance with 6NYCRR Part 617.5(c)(21) which constitutes that conducting concurrent environmental, engineering, economic, feasibility and other studies and preliminary planning and budgetary processes necessary to the formulation of a proposal for action, provided those activities do not commit the agency to commence, engage in or approve such action and are therefore not subject to review under 6 NYCRR Part 617:


Chemung County Elmira Sewer District:

  • CMF Roof Replacement

  • Equipment Replacements in Lab & Garage

  • Emergency Generator Replacement

  • Replacement of Sewer Mains, Manhole Frames & Covers, and Sewer Lining


Chemung County Sewer District No. 1:

  • Rehab of Pumps for rebuilds and part replacement

  • Replacement of Clarifier Weirs/Troughs

  • Replacement of Sewer Mains, Manhole Frames & Covers, and Sewer Lining


Ayes:  Pastrick, Sweet, Brennan, Margeson, Hyland, Sonsire, Woodard, Burin, Briggs, McCarthy, Drake, Smith, Strange, Manchester (Chairman) (14); Opposed:  None (0); Excused: Chalk
21-113Resolution adopting Chemung County Legislature Route Slip and Resolution Policy

By:  Woodard


Seconded by:  Smith


            WHEREAS, the Chemung County Legislature is the governing body of the County of Chemung and governs through Resolutions that are discussed, voted on, and duly adopted by it; and


            WHEREAS, adopting a Route Slip and Resolution Policy will provide County Officials with a formalized procedure for the preparation and submittal of requests for actions of, and by, the Chemung County Legislature; and


            WHEREAS, the Multi-Services Committee has recommended that the Chemung County Legislature adopt the Chemung County Legislature Route Slip and Resolution Policy attached hereto and incorporated as if fully set forth as Exhibit “A”; now, therefore, be it


            RESOLVED, that the Chemung County Legislature hereby adopts the Chemung County Legislature Route Slip and Resolution Policy.


Ayes:  Pastrick, Sweet, Brennan, Hyland, Woodard, Burin, Briggs, Drake, Smith, Strange, Manchester (Chairman) (11); Opposed: Margeson, Sonsire, McCarthy (3); Excused: Chalk (1)






By:  Sweet

Seconded by:  Margeson


            MOVED, that this meeting of the Chemung County Legislature be adjourned until Monday, March 8, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. in the Legislative Chambers, 5th floor, Hazlett Building, 203 Lake Street, Elmira, New York